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A walk to see the open Dilham Church after a quiet and peaceful night at Dilham and then with the children to the playing field and on to a very strange village shop run by a blind couple and then I walked to Smallburgh village shop to find a former St Neots shopkeeper as the owner! Some phone calls with my telephone credit card for Daniel and then the cruise to Neatishead, mooring at Gay’s Staithe by the Complete Angler Hotel and on to Neatishead Staithe on The Little Lady and then back to the Blue Peter to sail it round Barton Broad, despite its damage sustained.
A very peaceful and quiet night at Dilham and pleased to make the end of navigation on any river, as it always seems an achievement. I woke up early on a beautiful day and so went out to try fishing, but with no success. After an hour, I walked off towards the Dilham Church, which is isolated from the village and on the upper ground to the north. It was open and I had a good look round, but it is a rebuilt church of 1931 on old foundations, the effort financed by bequest of the former occupant of Dilham Hall. Pity the village is so dispersed in this way, but good that the church is left open. Walked back to the boat in time for breakfast at 8.00am and found the family there. Had time to wash and dress, then still managed to join them at the table. After breakfast I went ahead with the girls to Dilham playing field, which has only swings and a slide for amusement.

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On by foot from How Hill to Sutton Windmill after an early interview with the Broads Authority River Inspector to lodge our complaint and a great conservation achievement marred by their treatment of historic deeds after which Di was peeved we had missed a pub lunch. On to Stalham, a venue totally overwhelmed with a maze of marinas and then up to Dilham at the head of navigation and some fun fishing. Inflation is rising, the Home Secretary orders a new investigation into the soundness of the IRA Guildford Pub bombing convictions and five children are released from protection in Cleveland after the allegations are dismissed.
Awoke fairly early at 6.30am this morning, in weather that had cleared and was sunny after overnight rain. Quickly dressed and went out to do some fishing. A successful session, as in 2 hours I caught a dozen roach, three of them nearly too heavy to land without the landing net. Broke off for breakfast at 8.30am and then, just having washed and shaved, the River Inspector arrived in his patrol boat and I went to see him. Spent a couple of hours talking to him and then telephoning Jack Powells of Wroxham, who own the offending boat, to register my claim. Di had become very upset at the delays, but I cheered the children up and we set off on foot for Sutton Windmill. This is the tallest windmill in Norfolk and has been restored in a decade of dedicated effort by one family, who have also built a museum and snack bar to make the visit interesting.

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Sailing around outer and inner South Walsham Broads in this morning’s breeze after a long night’s sleep and recovery before heading for the River Ant, stopping at Ludham Bridge for fuel and provisions and then carrying on to moor at How Hill. There to be damaged by a rogue hire cruiser but with witnesses so that we could report the incident to the river inspectors. On to Sutton Staithe for a nice meal and bedtime for us all after hearing that fishing has been poor this year. The Law Lords were narrowly split 3-2 in upholding the government’s suppression of the Spy-Catcher revelations, news has emerged about Cleveland Child Abuse Dr Manelfa Higgs being at loggerheads with the police and 10% of the workforce remain unemployed
Had a sound and long night’s sleep and was the last awake for a change. Di used the excuse of my convalescence to keep the girls at bay, but I was fine this morning. I did take a while to get washed and dressed for breakfast, but this was only laziness. Joined the table last and adhered to my wheat & bran flakes to aid my figure and sustain my recovery. The breeze had sprung up this morning and so Daniel and I rigged up the Blue Peter and we got ready for sailing. I took it out first, but had to come back for my waterproofs when it first started to rain slowly and then poured. I was unaffected with this protection and sailed all over the outer and inner South Walsham Broads before the breeze died away.

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A bad night and morning struggling with a big stomach ache until gradually relieved after being violently sick. We moved our boats from Salhouse to Malthouse Broad and then took The Little Lady into the dyke after mooring The Lady with our mud weight before moving on to Salhouse where we chanced upon The Fairhaven Garden Trust open day. Thatcher is defending the UK decision to support the US mine-sweeping efforts in the Gulf, and Iran threatens UK and French ships as a consequence. Back home nine are arrested after a 128 box London safe-deposit box raid, South African police force their way into a union meeting and arrest Union leaders and a year and a half after Chernobyl, there are still high levels of radiation on upland grass areas and restrictions on sheep movements
Had a real problem last night. The increasing stomach ache that I had been suffering had developed into something worse and I realised that the problem originated from something that I had eaten. Consequently, about midnight, I was violently sick and emptied the contents of my stomach down the toilet. I had become quite feverish by this time, but felt better afterwards. This morning I opted to lay in bed for a couple of hours recuperating. It was a horrid and cloudy day with both the sun and rain trying to get the upper hand, but neither did and it remained cloudy.