Working to renovate the old Heronshaw thatched garage
Working to renovate the old Heronshaw thatched garage

Awake early after a night in a cold house and bed, checking on my answering machine and putting three journalists on to Percy in my absence. Then out to try and get bricks delivered from Jewson’s which they could not do, I bought a trailer and collected them later with some sand after which I carried on jacking up and levelling the garage ready for my brick plinth to be constructed. Some fried plaice for sustenance on a warmer day with showers

I was awake early on being very cold in my sleeping bag due to the clear night and cold bungalow. It was about 6.00am and so I got up as dawn was breaking. Cereal and a cup of tea for breakfast and then I telephoned home and checked on my answering machine messages. My press releases were well-received and so there were three journalists wanting interviews which I put on to Percy in my absence. All this finished, I went out and along to Jewson’s to look at the building materials. I bought some odds and ends but they could not deliver my bricks until Monday and so I gave them up as a bad job. To Wroxham for a pot of tea and some papers and then back to Heronshaw a bit disconsolate.

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The magazines gave me some pleasure and relieved my tension, after which I went and got myself some fried plaice from my favourite fish shop and then set off to a second-hand trailer place. The trailers were few in number and poor in quality but were cheap and I bought quite a strong one for £150 after trying a couple. back to Jewsons where I bought the bricks I wanted and also some cement and hydrated lime. I had to unload them at Heronshaw and go back for the rest of the bricks and I also popped into Wroxham Builders for half a yard of sand cheap at the price of £3.80 (and so I gave them £5). Excel seem to be well re-established again in their video-hire business if not on the electrical side. Back as it got dark and I was dropping bricks on to the road off of the trailer which was of some consternation to other motorists! Tea of sea-food and then this evening jacking up the garage from one flat block to two on edge which has raised the old building to a sufficient 20 to 24ins according to how the base was out of level. In very tired and some hot chocolate drink to relax before updating my journal and falling into bed. No sign of Steven Bloom as yet. The day warmed up a bit and ended showery but it was of no problem to me working in the garage.