A visit to BPGK to help Derek Giles with some business consultancy
A visit to BPGK to help Derek Giles with some business consultancy

After some domestic chores and office paperwork, a visit to BPGK to help Derek Giles with some business consultancy on a colder day with a cold north-easterly breeze. Some tough advice and criticism which was accepted in good grace. Daniel accompanied me and installed Word on Derek’s laptop.

Off to Cambridge to see John Matthewman later to collect the EARS software and data that I needed to take the campaign organisation further

The weather has taken a turn for the cooler with a cold north-easterly breeze making everyone feel uncomfortable outside. I was reluctantly up after getting to bed after mid-night the night before and then tended my fish and conservatory before updating my journal and getting down to work in my office. I had decided to work on my financial affairs for a couple of hours as they were becoming most urgent. At least I had got most of the urgent election matters under control. By lunchtime, I had paid most of the outstanding bills and reduced the pile of un-answered paperwork and then, this afternoon, made my way with Daniel down to Biggleswade where I had promised to give Derek Giles a hand with identifying some of his business problems. Daniel was a bit reluctant as he was going up to Manchester later this afternoon, but he still came and managed to install a copy of "Word" on the BPGK micro-computer whilst I was there. I arrived early and looked around the company plant.

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They are in the plating industry and had recently invested in a new automatic plating plant and had business problems as a consequence. Their standards of housekeeping and organisation seem very poor and they had launched into a new and expensive area of business with very poor planning and timing with the consequent financial problems. I was very frank with my analysis and suggestions, even at risk of offending them, but they respected me for it and accepted my advice. We shall see how they get on as a result. All this ran very late, and we had little time to eat before meeting again at Stratford Place to organise the evening's canvassing. We had a few helpers, and it was quite an effective evening's work. I had trouble later getting them to leave the committee room in some sort of order and then had to shoot off to Cambridge to see John Matthewman and collect the EARS software and data that I needed to take the campaign organisation further.