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Overcoming the DisneyLand obstacles we then went by train to visit Parc Asterix where there were theme areas, water rides, white-knuckle attractions and lots of other things for the children that combined the "Asterix the Gaul" theme.
News of US warplanes accidentally killing over 20 allied soldiers in a so-called "friendly-fire" incident over Iraq.
I was awake very early this morning and, after rolling over to see Diana for a few minutes whilst the girls were still asleep, I lay there and thought that we had already spent enough time in EuroDisney to see the place and it would have been better to go somewhere else for the day.
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Leaving the girls at EuroDisney, Diana and I took a day trip to Paris by train. We first looked at the shopping complex as Les Halles and then headed for the Latin Quarter at Diana's suggestion and looked for somewhere to get a coffee.
Then a dash across Paris by metro to see The Eiffel Tower where we took the lift up to the Premier Etage before back to the girls at EuroDisney
Diana and I decided on a change of scenery today and, after a later breakfast to get some rest and peace, we dropped the girls off at EuroDisney and saw them through the gates before we got day travel tickets from the railway and set off for Paris. Priced at 90FF and called "Formule 1", these tickets allow unlimited use of trains, metro and buses for one day and there are others that represent even better value for longer periods.
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Avoiding the breakfast stampede and buying drinks in the expensive bar as we eventually enjoying the Wild West Show on EuroDisney's 2nd Anniversary
A cold and windy day again so that our breath condensed in clouds so that we had to warm up well again as much as our lack of forethought and packing allowed us. Up early to moderate the Hotel Cheyenne "Breakfast Stampede" and then to get some more French Francs for an expensive day ahead.
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Our first full day at EuroDisney on another very cold and breezy but dry day after very poor breakfast arrangements at the hotel.
EuroDisney is much smaller than in the United States with less rides and less snack and food places offering smaller portions for more money.
News is of another Allied air strike in Bosnia as NATO nations get involved again.
It was another very cold and breezy day but with no rain which we supposed was one blessing to be thankful for. We took a fair lay in after our loss of sleep yesterday and, by the time we walked over to the hotel restaurant/canteen it was a picture of overcrowding and confusion.
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