Some time in Oulton Broad with the girls playing again and then the cruise via Stokesby
Some time in Oulton Broad with the girls playing again and then the cruise via Stokesby

Some time in Oulton Broad with the girls playing again and then the cruise via Stokesby on a lovely day for a seafood salad and then on to Horning and home.

We eventually arrived back at Horning around 9.30pm and I tried calling Wiggly on my way home but there was no reply as she was out with Michael telling him of her decision not to move in with him.

The local newspapers were full of stories of our Eynesbury By-election victory and Ross McKay and Sheila Coates' engagement.

The morning routine with Sam, taking him along to the banks of Lake Lothing for his exercise and relief. I find the area quite familiar now and very useful for this purpose.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Then Diana set off by taxi for a shopping trip into Lowestoft, the girls went into the Nicholas Everett Park to play on the trampolines and other amusements, and I did some work on the Paxton Princess.

I went across to the chandlers to buy some hose and attachments and then re-fitted the water pressure reservoir tank into a less intrusive part of the hull so that it did not get into the way of engine maintenance. This, with the electrical work last night on the alarm system, had made an important improvement to the boat's performance.

Once the family were re-united, we all set about getting the dog and boat ready and then set off. It was another and the cruise went well. Our main stop was at Stokesby where I bought some seafood and Diana made it into a salad for me. I moored the boat across the river afterwards where Della ran Sam and then we all ate together before setting off once more.

We eventually arrived back at Horning around 8.00pm and we made good time unpacking and loading my car so that I was able to leave for home with Sam around 9.30pm. I tried calling Wiggly on my way home but there was no reply. She was cancelling her plan to have a male tenant in her new house this evening. At my suggestion, she told him of her decision over a drink.

A rather late evening unloading and then settling in once back at home. The mail and messages were the first to tackle and then the local newspapers with stories of our Eynesbury By-election victory and Ross McKay and Sheila Coates' engagement.