The day started off fine and the idea was for us to stay moored at Oulton Broad
The day started off fine and the idea was for us to stay moored at Oulton Broad

Remaining moored at Oulton Broad and walking along Lake Lothing to Lowestoft and back until the heavens opened with some exceptional rain falling after being unbearably humid and warm earlier.

Some time in the Nicholas Everitt Park with girls enjoying trampolines and putting. Later, there was the powerboat racing and I also worked on the boat electrics.

The day started off fine and the idea was for us to stay moored at Oulton Broad and to take the girls for the walk along Lake Lothing to the seaside at Lowestoft.

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The night had gone well with no disturbance from Sam and I was out with him again first thing. Some shopping in Oulton Broad and morning refreshments and then the walk began. Unfortunately, once we had made the park cafe for lunch, the heavens opened with some exceptional rain falling.

The council do not let dogs inside and so Sam had to stay out, trying to shelter beneath table and brolly whilst we ate inside and he barked and whined as a result. This was all too much for us and we retraced our footsteps once the rain eased and found ourselves back at Oulton Broad.

The weather had been unbearably humid and warm earlier with even the diffused sunshine being penetratingly hot and we had some long debate about whether we could make the long walk and then the rain came and everybody felt chilly!

More time in the nearby park as a result with the girls enjoying trampolines and putting whilst Diana and I walked around the entire park for the first time to see what was there. Later, there was the powerboat racing and I also worked on the boat electrics to isolate and reconnect the boat alarm system in an attempt to stop some problems we had been having.

The wet weather continued off and on for the rest of the day which was a pity as it stopped us from doing very much but at least we had hooked up to shore power. Some telephone calls home this evening to Derek and Wiggly to organise things for the weekend trip back.