Collecting Wiggly for the weekend after dog training
Collecting Wiggly for the weekend after dog training

The family return home to Paxton and I spend the day dog training with Jim at his friendly farmer's property where we first ran through some sugar beet to try out our dogs hunting and pointing.

Later to collect Wiggly from Norwich station as we spend a late evening together as she arrives for the weekend

I was awake quite early this morning and opted to take Sam for a walk and made my call to Wiggly to finalise this afternoon's arrangements.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

She was having her operation in late morning to remove her troublesome wisdom tooth and was not sure how she would feel afterwards and so I gave her the option of coming over or me meeting her elsewhere and she was to decide to come to stay after the operation after all.

Back for breakfast with the family and then they packed up to leave around lunchtime. I now had some time in the morning and telephoned Jim to see if he was interested and available to do some more dog training. He was and so I drove past the Norwich & Wymondham traffic congestion and got there in mid-morning.

The highway authorities were stripping up the Norwich inner ring-road for re-surfacing and moving earth furiously to create this latest Wymondham by-pass that is overshadowing Jim's house despite its distance from Sutton.

Jim was removing his old garage roof and rebuilding an area at the back for dog kennels, but he left off of the endeavour and we had a cup of tea until Julie came back from shopping when we could get out with the dogs. We got into his car and drove off to his friendly farmer's property where we first ran through some sugar beet to try out our dogs hunting and pointing.

Ben ran first and then Sam and, whilst they both did reasonably-well, there was no game to be found. Then off to a nearby field of sheep where we tested out both dogs after their performance on the Yorkshire moors last week. Sam was the steadiest but they both chased the sheep when under maximum temptation which was worrying.

Back for a cup of tea and then quickly on to Norwich where Wiggly was standing outside and waiting for me to collect her from the train. The poor thing was still suffering from her operation and in some pain and so I just drove her back via Wroxham and we sat on the Hotel Wroxham veranda in the shade and watched the antics of the new boat crews crashing through Wroxham Bridge at a time when the water seemed very high.

Then on to Horning, a cup of tea and look around Harnser and the Paxton Princess. Wiggly was not very impressed with Harnser's lack of a master bedroom but liked the boat's berths and we lay and petted for a while before going in for tea and biscuits whilst we discussed what to do for the evening.

We eventually settled on a meal at the Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant in Norwich's Prince of Wales Road and then a late-night viewing of the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger’s film, "True Lies". It was a fair film rather spoilt by its 2hr 20min length and the drunken jibe of a girl at the entrance who was referring to me as "father" presumably in comparison with my 23-year-old companion.

Rather tired when we eventually left the auditorium and so drove straight home at about 2.30am in the morning! Then the beds moved together and the night with Wiggly. She is a very enthusiastic partner and thus very demanding.

****** Sections have been censored for reasons of privacy for five further years from this date ******

So went our second night together, us both naked and she in my arms. All this was with the supposed alibi having got permission to stay behind to undertake some rewiring of the Paxton Princess.