Agatha Christie's "A Murder is Announced" at The Theatre Royal in Norwich
Agatha Christie's "A Murder is Announced" at The Theatre Royal in Norwich

After walking Sam in the rain, off with Diana and the girls to the Helska Leisure, before back to Harnser to prepare the boat for next week and mow the laws. Then off with the girls to see Agatha Christie's "A Murder is Announced" at The Theatre Royal in Norwich

I was quite late to be again last night and then lay in bed fast asleep this morning as Diana was first up. It was spitting with rain again and so I put on my camouflage stalking jacket with its rain hood to take Sam out for a run and we went across John Gedge's spent pea stubble for more quartering practice.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

He did not do too badly at all and did not ignore my stop whistle or be chastised this time which was an improvement. This done, I came back a little late for breakfast and rested afterwards with the EDP and my shooting magazines until it was time for us all to go out.

Diana had arranged for the girls to have hair trimmed at the salon close to the Helska Leisure Centre and so we stayed there and had refreshments whilst the girls took it in turn to go across for their appointments. Then back to Harnser where, after another rest, Diana and I embarked upon the task of pumping out the Paxton Princess toilet tanks and refreshing them with chemicals to leave them nice for the next week.

Then I got the strimmer out and went over Sam's run, around all three lawns and then the other side of my section of the road so that the grounds now look very tidy. I staggered off with Sam for his afternoon run and then just had time for tea, a quick shower and hair wash and then change to get out with the family for this afternoon's theatre trip.

We went to see Agatha Christie's "A Murder is Announced" at The Theatre Royal in Norwich and each one of us thoroughly enjoyed it with the girls particularly intrigued as they always like reading murder and horror books. Only the parking ticket on the Discovery spoiled the evening and now I will have to pay a £20 fine for forgetting to buy a 40p ticket!

After staying dry for some time, it was spitting with rain again this evening as we arrived back. An earlier night than of late as I had been getting very tetchy with the girls so that a return home tomorrow would be a bit of a relief.