We walked Sam along the River Cam
We walked Sam along the River Cam

Sam the centre of attention at Bob Steel’s training session after I had calmed him down with a long walk. Meeting up with Wiggly later and walking along the River Cam with Sam.

It being one day but one before the most important test of Sam's life, this was going to be an important day for him but he was not expecting the attention he was going to get.

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Diana was out this morning and, with Debbie away in France, it was left for me to amuse Della. I took her for a long walk with Sam whilst I put him through his paces and I was pleased afterwards that this tired her sufficiently to keep her out of trouble for much of the day.

It was more training with Bob Steele then which I used as the excuse to meet Wiggly again and this let me get away for the afternoon and evening whilst Diana went to Tescos to do her week's shopping and then made more plans for having one of Della's friends for the time in Norfolk next week. I met her in mid-afternoon at the Coneygear and gave Sam a bit of a run until she arrived, having walked on foot from across the riverside park.

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I took her at her suggestion to the side of the River Cam at Granchester and there we walked Sam along the footpaths and I tried to make a fuss of her without him mugging everybody that passed by! Then a meal in the nearby pub when the bar opened for food and this was very nice.

Rather a long while chatting and so this did not leave very much time for anything else once I dropped her back at her place. Diana was up late watching the second part of a murder and suspense programme on TV and so I stayed up and joined her which made me again late to bed