Watching the film 'True Lives' in Bedford with Diana
Watching the film 'True Lives' in Bedford with Diana

After two attractive blondes had come down for breakfast asking for Daniel, I helped Diana get her car fixed and then got back to welcome Norma and Charles who joined us to watch Test Cricket and for lunch.

We then had a visit from an otter hunt after which I slipped out to see Wiggly before I returned to take Diana out to see the early evening performance of "True Lies" in Bedford and to drop in to give Ross McKay and Sheila Coates a present on the occasion of their engagement party.

Jim arrived at around 9.30pm and we took the dogs for a run and then tried to get them settled for the night ready for the next day’s outing

I had a remarkable experience this morning as first one attractive young blonde, and then another, appeared in the kitchen asking for Daniel.

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It seems that he and five others, went up river by boat last night to a "field party" and then they got drunk and several guests stayed the night. Disappointingly, Daniel and Jason seemed not to be interested in the girls who were looked after by The Two Garys.

This was one of my busiest days in a long time and the first problem, after walking Sam, was to help Diana get her faulty car fixed. It was disappointing to find that it should have gone wrong so soon after being serviced and they found that the carburettor had some muck in it that affected the fuel flow.

I also telephoned Tesco, where Di had only filled up yesterday, to complain also but they did not admit to any other affected cars filled from pump number one. All this having been sorted, we got back to find Norma & Charles already ready and waiting for us.

I watched the TV with Charles for a short while and we saw the England's Test Cricket team get on top of the South Africans with some ferocious bowling from Devon Malcolm. Then time for me to take all present out for lunch which Diana had booked at The Bridge.

Once back at The Hayling View, Daniel got down to installing the radio properly in Granddad's car and Diana had time with her Mum whilst her Dad carried on watching the cricket. Diana told me of an interesting event which happened whilst I was out.

A large group of men and dogs in country clothes finished their hunt by my house and appeared to have been fox-hunting on foot according to Di though I would have thought they were mink-hunting, like they used to hunt otters. I had slipped out to get some petrol and to see Rob Williams according to my story for Di but in actual fact, I went over to see Wiggly and gave her a good time for a couple of hours.

I had bought her a "New Woman" magazine at the clinic yesterday and she had answered a number of questions about her sex life included amongst which was one about wanting to make love in the afternoon. I indulged her and she was very pleased with the result.

Diana was concerned about the time I had been out but I placated her so that we could drive out for the early evening performance of "True Lies" in Bedford. This was a good film and well worth seeing a second time even if I had been somewhat reluctant when Di had suggested it.

By arrangement, we also dropped into see Ross McKay and Sheila Coates on the occasion of their engagement party and had a drink with them to wish them good luck and also dropped in a couple of small presents of a plated toast rack and bottle of wine.

Some frenetic packing on my return so that I could be in a position to go direct to Norfolk from the dog event. Jim arrived at around 9.30pm and we took the dogs for a run and then tried to get them settled for the night. This took until after 1.30am and I was not very pleased in the end about this, though it did give us time to pack up properly.