The Wherry Trusts Albion in full sail
The Wherry Trusts Albion in full sail

Loading up the Paxton Princess and setting off on holiday, stopping at The New Inn for a grumpy lunch and then off to Ranworth Dyke and then managed to get us in stern-on at the staithe where the Wherry Trust's "Albion", the pleasure wherries "Norada" and the "Olive" from the tour company in Wroxham with their counterpoint sterns and the best of all, for me, the "Hathor".

Several walks with Sam whilst we were there including one with Diana and the girls up to Ranworth Church for some nice refreshment at the tea-room and a walk up the tower to view the surrounding countryside. We watched a Norwich team of Morris Dancers manage three dances despite the heavy rain showers.

The first day on the boat this trip but first there was the regular chores to do. Out with Sam for a walk along the dyke and then back to load my things that we would need for the trip.

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The weather was fine and warm for the embarkation and first I got the tools ready and loaded them and then the things for Sam. Apart from my own luggage - and I am a terrible traveller who cannot leave a thing behind - he is the next most demanding of space with even his packets of food being a problem to pack.

Then we had a break for our morning snack, and I drove them over to the Riverside Cafe in Wroxham where we also bought a paper, drew out some money and then filled up a container with a pint of mixed maggots.

Once back, I walked the Paxton Princess round to the front of the moorings, opening and closing the boom behind us and then pulled the dinghies round onto the davits so that it would be easy to take off. I prepared the aerials and mast at the same time so, after a last run for Sam, we could get going with the minimum of help. We cruised first to the New Inn where we moored up and had lunch.

The proprietors were rather surly and altogether too keen to take a moorings deposit and, though the food and service was good, they could learn a bit about customer relations. Then the gentle cruise downstream with me at the helm and Diana cleaning off the spider droppings from the cabin roof! I turned into Ranworth Dyke and then managed to get us in stern-on at the staithe.

This was a triumph as it was the day that four wherries were rendezvousing for a spectacular display. There was the Wherry Trust's "Albion", the pleasure wherries "Norada" and the "Olive" from the tour company in Wroxham with their counterpoint sterns and the best of all, for me, the "Hathor". Whilst the others have carvel-built hulls, this is the only one which has the true clinker planking and was built for the Coleman sisters in 1905. I would love to have her.

Several walks with Sam whilst we were there including one with Diana and the girls up to Ranworth Church for some nice refreshment at the tea-room and a walk up the tower to view the surrounding countryside. This evening at the local pub for a drink and meal as adults after the girls had tea and settled down in their cabin and Sam in his box.

We enjoyed our meal and watched a Norwich team of Morris Dancers manage three dances despite the heavy rain showers. A chance to call Wiggly this evening who is keeping well and had her stitches out from her wisdom tooth wound. She keeps busy but was pleased to hear from me.