We saw the replica of Drake's Golden Hind moored at Town Hall Quay
We saw the replica of Drake's Golden Hind moored at Town Hall Quay

On a varied day of chilly spells and hot sun, a problematical session with Sam before off to Great Yarmouth Pleasurebeach where the girls enjoyed the attractions and we saw the replica of Drake's Golden Hind moored at Town Hall Quay.

Back home and out to see the early evening performance of "Baby's Day Out" at the Odeon Cinema. The latest Royal Scandal as the Princess of Wales is accused of making harassing telephone calls to a married man.

An English athlete tests positive on a drugs test after the European Championships

The weather was a strange combination of cloudy chilly spells with diffused and hot sunny spells. Sam's morning run did not go well in the fairly still air.

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He bumped a pair of pheasants and then chased a deer right across a field, ignoring my whistling and shouting! It was obvious that he knew he did wrong, but I still beat him for the latter was a serious offence and would have got him eliminated in any trial.

Rather late back to get ready and we then all off to Great Yarmouth where the girls went on the Pleasurebeach attractions and Diana, Me and Sam joined them by sitting and watching. Sam was good in this role and gradually gets better with people all the time.

An hour at Gorleston harbour mouth and then we collected the girls, had some lunch at the cafe and then drove across to see the replica of Drake's Golden Hind moored at Town Hall Quay. The girls had been studying this at school and so found it interesting to look at and experience.

Then a rush to get back with Sam and out to Norwich for the early evening performance of "Baby's Day Out" at the Odeon Cinema. Di and I found it a silly film, but the girls enjoyed it. Back for a late tea, the dog to bed and then baths all round before bed.

I struggled with my computer faults before managing to update these last few days' journal and finally got into bed before 11.00pm. The news is of the latest Royal Scandal as the Princess of Wales is accused by the press of making harassing telephone calls to a married man.

An English athlete tests positive on a drugs test after the European Championships and this casts a cloud over the rest of the team at the Commonwealth Games.