The Peace Wall in Belfast
The Peace Wall in Belfast

A day of rest and catching up with my journal after deep sleep. A slow start to the day and then out with Sam for a very long walk as he deserved.

The sum of my activities are really too much for even a fully-fit person to bear and I soon will have to make choices about just what I can pack into my life.

Significant news as the IRA announces a complete cessation of violence with the end of their armed struggle to start at midnight before the provisions of the Anglo/Irish Declaration come into effect. I

drove over to see Nigel and, during a game of snooker, heard the latest developments of his love life. His epic affair with Kate Geeves has now formally ended and he is very cut up about it

Last night I slept from the moment that my head touched the pillow so that I did not even notice when Diana came to bed.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

The sum of my activities are really too much for even a fully-fit person to bear and I soon will have to make choices about just what I can pack into my life. A slow start to the day and then out with Sam for a very long walk as he deserved some more time with me.

First a couple of retrieves and then some quartering in the fields of rough grass on the nature reserve. That done, and the wind in the right direction from the east, I walked him on across some stubble fields and he found two birds.

The first, he sensed too late and close and could not hold it and the second was far out to our left and I mistakenly called him off again. They seemed to be partridges to me but could have been juvenile hen pheasants.

Lastly, the long walk back across the gravel-pit road and through Little Paxton where I kept him at heel without the lead and he was quite obedient. The mail and then, before and after lunch, an endeavour to get up to date with my journal of these last few eventful days.

Significant news as the IRA announce a complete cessation of violence and the end of their armed struggle to start at midnight tonight. The Ulster Unionists have been very cautious in welcoming the news and used the lack of the word "permanent" as a reason for not accepting the statement at face value; even though the statement said the cessation was "complete" and "open-ended".

This point was taken up by the government who state that they need this clarification is needed before the provisions of the Anglo/Irish Declaration come into effect. A second British woman athlete has been tested positive for the performance-enhancing drug testosterone and now the prospect exists of the entire British Women's team withdrawing from the World Cup athletics championship at Crystal Palace next week.

That was just about the lot for this much quieter day after the frenetic activity of late. This evening, I drove over to see Nigel and, during a game of snooker, heard the latest developments of his love life. His epic affair with Kate Geeves has now formally ended and he is very cut up about it. Even so, his wife is still moving out to a new house in Grafham but at least he will now be getting the £250K mortgage on Hail Weston House which means he will not need money from me.