A comfortable Brighton stay with Diana in a warm room and then making love on our 26th Anniversary. A good shopping outing for both of us and then the film "The Specialist" at the Cannon Cinema before dinner at a nice Chinese Restaurant.
The sad news today was of the death of a pretty blonde 5-year-old girl from Meningitis locally and of the confinement in hospital of her best friend.
The heavy rain and wind was even worse in The West Country where rivers have become swollen and overflowed their banks
The room was comfortable but very hot for sleeping but, as we did not have anything energetic to do it did not matter very much.
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We slept in until 8.00am and I was the first to wake then and got Diana to make us a morning drink. Shaved, hair washed and then second use of Diana's bath before we both got dressed and ready for breakfast in the restaurant at 9.00am.
The breakfast buffet was very good as is to be expected these days in hotels and I made a conscious effort to avoid eating too much, concentrating on the fruit bowl and juice and then some scrambled egg, tomato and kipper.
Out in good time for some serious shopping along Western Avenue and other prime shopping streets. I had got Diana to help me produce a list of what we wanted, and this helped us to be effective.
This included some towels for us, slippers for Della, trousers for Daniel and then over to High & Mighty where I bought a shirt and a pair of trousers for me to combine with a polo-necked shirt I had bought in Marks & Spencer.
For Diana, we bought a new jumper, skirt and scarf which made her look very smart. Back to the hotel room for a rest and a read of the newspapers after lunch of salad baguette at a department store.
Diana was the first to recover and went off to do some more shopping and then I left a spare room key and note for her and went to Dixons where I bought a Psion 3a Organiser with which I can keep an accurate and confidential track of my movements.
I relaxed afterwards for some time programming this organiser with my data and becoming familiar with it. Evidentially, this was for too long as Diana was waiting to go out and eat before a trip to the cinema.
We had left this far too late and so, with some grumpiness, we gave up eating before it and just went and saw the early performance of the film "The Specialist" at the Cannon Cinema.
We enjoyed the film, and our mood was further improved when we found a nice Chinese Restaurant for our evening meal open nearby. Back to the hotel where I went down to check the car as my excuse but really took the opportunity to telephone Wiggly who was staying with her parents in Blackpool.
She was getting bored and was pleased to hear from me. She had told her mum a few things about me but had not told all and her sister was upset that she was still having to keep things that she knew from her parents.
I arranged to see her earlier on Friday than we had previously planned and we will both be looking forward to that. I finished telephoning after half an hour and went back up to see Di, the Anniversary girl! She had bought a pack of three condoms in the afternoon, and I used one of these for her.
I concentrated on satisfying her and massaged her to a climax before leaving my own satisfaction for the morning. Another poor night's sleep in the heat of the room.
The sad news today was of the death of a pretty blonde 5-year-old girl from Meningitis locally from Rottingdean and of the confinement in hospital of her best friend, also suffering of it in intensive care. It seems that this disease of brain inflammation has no preventative cure and only antibiotics can work if the condition is diagnosed and treated early.
The heavy rain and wind was even worse in The West Country where rivers have become swollen and overflowed their banks in some bad incidence of flooding. It seems that Norwich City is going to try and get another goalkeeper which I think will be a mistake.