The glorious weather continues but the night was uncomfortably warm. I got out with Sam and ran him around Horning, buying a paper and some milk in the process. Di had driven off to collect Daniel and we did some Norwich shopping and then met up at Pizza Hut for lunch.

Once back Daniel and the girls sunbathing and playing with Sam and Diana and I attacking the overgrown lawn and gravel weeds.

The news is of holiday tragedies such as drownings from boats, fire deaths in tents etc. and, of course, the Euro Election where the Tories are under pressure

The glorious weather continues but the night was uncomfortable as the air was still and warm throughout. Then Diana insisted on waking me up at 7.00am which did not please me and I felt groggy for the first part of the day as a result. I got out with Sam and ran him around Horning, buying a paper and some milk in the process.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

When I returned, I found breakfast in disorder and Diana missing as she had received a telephone call from Daniel and had gone to Norwich to collect him as a result. His car was in for more attention to the automatic transmission, and he was killing time for the day but we were glad to have him with us. At his request, we drove back into the city to do some shopping but started off at Jarrold’s for coffee as usual.

I walked across to the Broads Authority offices to buy my own copy of the local plan draft and then met the others at Pizza Hut for lunch. For the first time, we all had the set lunch buffet which was very economical. Back to Heronshaw where Sam was pleased to see us and then the afternoon outside; Daniel and the girls sunbathing and playing with Sam and Diana and I attacking the overgrown lawn and gravel weeds.

Apart from tea, Di getting Daniel back to his car and me walking Sam once more, we worked on until dusk. By that time, we had cut all three lawns, strimmed and weeded around the rest of the garden and generally tidied up. Because of being outside, we realised that Doris had replaced her boundary fence with 6ft panels right up to the water's edge which had totally blocked our view of the river! She is a difficult lady.

By the end, I could hardly use my arms and had to rest my wrists on the table when making telephone calls and updating my journal. The news is of holiday tragedies such as drownings from boats, fire deaths in tents etc. and, of course, the Euro Election where the Tories are under pressure and getting worried over John Major's latest gaff getting at the poor street beggars.