It was a devil of a job for me getting the girls out and off to school before I managed some good shooting with fine killing shots at a mallard drake, a moorhen and then a high passing pigeon.
Sam then pleases on the retrieves and then horrifies by trashing the latter.
I was again off to see Wiggly who had been desperate to see me and I enjoyed making love to her in her comfortable double bed
I was pleased to find that both Daniel and Debbie were up and showering when I woke up this morning so that I could just concentrate on Della and myself and preparing the breakfast.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
It was a devil of a job getting the girls out and off to school as they are used to be progressed by Diana at every stage but I did it in the end. No chance therefore to walk Sam beforehand but then, when eating breakfast, I spotted hundreds of pigeons settling upon John Osborne's rape crop on Mill Island opposite.
I called his wife and then walked round the field with Sam after to disperse them and have a look. They scattered as I approached but I had fine killing shots at a mallard drake, a moorhen and then a high passing pigeon to give Sam three retrieves.
He managed the duck and moorhen perfectly, not harming them and bringing them right to hand from over the other side of the river but the pigeon retrieve was a disaster.
He had to cross the river and get the bird from the other side and, whilst over there and beyond my control, he virtually shredded it and started to eat it! I was most depressed.
A chat with John afterwards and he undertook get me a dozen bails of straw put in the middle of the field to use as a hide to decoy these pigeons for the future.
Home still sick over Sam's treatment of that pigeon and to try a few confidence-building feathered dummy retrieves in the garden before feeding him and going to my office for a while.
My office and paperwork and then out to my car where, suspecting that the weekend's weather would be wet and with my invitation to Nigel's shoot in mind, I spent some time re-fitting all of the waterproof seat covers to the Discovery.
The girls home from school and also Diana home from Henlow Grange health farm. I had also popped out earlier and bought some flowers for both Wiggly and Diana to welcome them both home after several days away.
Wiggly got the passionate red and pink ones including roses and I got Diana sensitive and pale but welcome Freesias that she likes. She did not want to go out this evening and was happy to agree my request to be able to go and see Nigel.
In fact, I was again off to see Wiggly who had been desperate to see me. I had let myself into her house and left the flowers and a copy of the sexually-liberated women's magazine, "New Woman" for her arrival and I also took with me a large bottle of wine when I went round.
It was too late to go out but I enjoyed making love to her in her comfortable double bed. I noticed afterwards that she had started her period. Late home but Diana was fast asleep and did not stir as I eased myself into the other side of the huge bed that we now have.