A US Air Boeing 747 plane crashes in America, killing all 131 people as many ask why they have suffered five air crashes in as many years
A US Air Boeing 747 plane crashes in America, killing all 131 people as many ask why they have suffered five air crashes in as many years

A day of rest and relaxation and watching a recording of the England vs. United States international football match from satellite TV last night. A call from Wiggly saying that her 22-year-old friend Ann Rennie had agreed to come out with Nigel and us to make up a foursome next Tuesday.

Struggling to help with Sheila Shorten as I revealed that the LibDem group now seems resolved to expel Ross and a long call also from Jim Bird organising some shooting for the weekend.

A US Air Boeing 747 plane crashes in America, killing all 131 people as many ask why they have suffered five air crashes in as many years.

It was after midnight before I got to bed and so missed the action last night. Up at the normal time and saw the girls off to school and had some croissants for breakfast before taking Sam out for a low-key walk.

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I tried using my stalking stick to walk with and keep him under control as I still work on the obedience. Diana had obliged me by recording the England vs. United States international football match from satellite TV last night and I opted to relax in the lounge and watch it this morning.

Our team played well and won 2-0 with Alan Shearer scoring both of the goals and others playing well and creating even more chances. Now Terry Venables has either won or drawn all of his internationals with not a single goal scored against them so far.

Wiggly called me during the match and had great news. Her 22-year-old friend Ann Rennie had agreed to come out with Nigel and us to make up a foursome next Tuesday. She is going steady with her boyfriend of three-months standing and is living with him but does not mind a fun evening and some variety.

The deal was that she would choose the venue and Nigel would pay but, apart from stipulating that she did not want to go to a night club, she would leave that to us with Wiggly saying that one of Nigel's expensive restaurants would do nicely. Ann is described as being dark and of medium build and being attractive and wearing lots of make-up and polo-necked sweaters.

Also a being a victim of a number of men and failed relationships (which translated later into being something of a man-eater). After a lunch of herring roll-mops and salad, I worked on at my journal entries and archiving but felt quite tired.

This until it was time to walk Sam with whom I did some more quartering and then steadying him to shot. Carried on this evening in my office as the girls did their homework and Diana her ironing and then television viewing.

I telephoned Sheila Shorten as requested and advised her as best as I could on how to progress the matter of Ross McKay. The LibDem group now seem resolved to expel Ross and I was advising her accordingly. A long call also from Jim Bird organising some shooting for the weekend and chatting about his progress in house modernisation and developments at his place of work.

Time also talking about training our dogs now that the latest club magazine listed our achievements. News of the publishers of Paris Match relenting and avoiding the circulation of copies of their magazine circulating in the UK that show clandestine pictures of Price Charles nude in his apartment.

Pressure now mounts on the loyalist paramilitaries to cease their violence now that the IRA has done so. A US Air Boeing 747 plane crashes in America, killing all 131 people as many ask why they have suffered five air crashes in as many years.

The US government is making threatening diplomatic noises to the military dictatorship in Tahiti as their latest international venture.