The film, "Wolf", was ridiculous but quite gripping but Michelle Pffifer was worth the visit
The film, "Wolf", was ridiculous but quite gripping but Michelle Pffifer was worth the visit

Working at home and a good long run at Molesworth where he pointed and flushed well and then over to see Robert Ward at Manor Farm and, over coffee, to hear of his woes and his cultivation plans.

Then a meeting Wiggly on her day off where I talked through her problems with the Amateur Dramatic Society and her councillor case work.

After Sam's walk and tea, I took Diana to see the film, "Wolf", which was ridiculous but quite gripping but Michelle Pffifer was worth the visit.

A slower start to today such that I could not get out in time to see the girls off to school at the bus stop but they were all right.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Then, after breakfast and doing the chores in the absence of Bill on holiday, I took Sam for a good long run at Molesworth. Not only did he hunt and point two lots of pheasants, but he also avoided getting distracted by two huge hares that were on the scene.

The first covey of pheasants he found at a fair distance, and he moved forwards before I could get to him. I think that they were running, and he was trying to hold them but he was dead still when they flew. Even then he stayed still again until the last one flushed.

The next time, he let me go right up to him and held the bird beautifully until we walked up together and flushed it. He really is getting quite good. Then over to see Robert Ward at Manor Farm and, over coffee, to hear of his woes and his cultivation plans.

The outcome was that I now have permission to shoot the rabbits, crows and pigeons and, in all likelihood, he would not mind me shooting the odd pheasant as well in season. It seems that his builder is also given this privilege and so I have to telephone beforehand so that we do not both clash together.

Back to my office and to find that Wiggly had returned my call and was at home today. I phoned her and then called by, and we had a pot of tea together and I showed her my journal entries for around the time of the May elections that I had just archived where she was still in non-Hidden Text but starting to cause me problems.

I wondered whether breaking the secrecy of my journal was a mistake but time will tell. She seemed worried and preoccupied and so I talked through her problems with the Amateur Dramatic Society and her councillor case work and helped her to see a away through it all.

We made our plans for the weekend and had a kiss and cuddle but then I left her to tackle her work and came back to get on. I made my lunch of sardine salad and then went back to archiving my journal for May for the afternoon.

After Sam's walk and tea, I took Diana to see the film, "Wolf", which was ridiculous but quite gripping. If nothing else, then Michelle Pffifer was worth the visit. Home on time for a reasonably early night and, after today's' journal and some packing, I turned in to make an early start in the morning.