The Canadian Navy has seized a Spanish trawler and found that most of the 350 tons of turbot on board were undersized
The Canadian Navy has seized a Spanish trawler and found that most of the 350 tons of turbot on board were undersized

A Cambridge visit to Di's parents and abortive Aloe Vera meeting with John Matthewman and only managed just mail messages with Wiggly before another late night.

News of John Major meeting Yassa Arafat, and that the Canadian Navy has seized a Spanish trawler and found that most of the 350 tons of turbot on board were undersized

John Major went ahead with his visit and has become the first World leader to visit Yassa Arafat in the Gaza Strip to increase the Arab Leader's authority.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

"Child B", the 12-year-old girl refused treatment by Addenbrookes and now being treated by a private hospital after an anonymous donation, has begun a course of chemotherapy after an operation to obtain a bone marrow transplant sample but she only has a 10% chance of survival.

Regional Electricity Companies plan to give a one-off payment to customers to get round price controls but are struggling to go ahead with their latest share offers. A review of the sanctions on Iraq has not led to a substantial easing of the sanctions against this country.

The Canadian Navy has seized a Spanish trawler and found that 3/4rds of the 350 tons of turbot on board were undersized and they are now dredging the seabed to find the nets cut loose after the boat was apprehended.

An American astronaut has blasted off in a Soyuz spacecraft with two Russian cosmonauts and is set to dock with the orbiting space station, Meere in an historically cooperative Mission. They are due to return on a US Space Shuttle later to complete the cycle.

Out with Sam, after taking the girls to the bus stop. Hugh's Dad was there with him, his brother and sister and I think that he is getting the younger brother used to the idea of going to a new school. I took Sam across the set aside behind Samuel Jones and he first bumped a couple of partridges and then flushed a large Muntjac Buck from an isolated bush.

When I got him to investigate the bush further, he pointed a doe which bounded off at close range! He dropped to my whistle in both cases. There were no pheasants on this occasion, but he pointed a rabbit in another bush and it eventually flushed.

Some time on my CIX/Email system once back and an exchange of messages with Louise who had bad news for me. A work meeting will prevent us having our farewell lunch together on the eve of my departure to America.

To Cambridge with Diana, her driving as I worked away on my Psion in the passenger seat. We met up with her parents in Eadon Lilley's as usual and found them well.

On to the new Holiday Inn and to meet a former political colleague, John Matthewman, by arrangement, to "hear of a business opportunity" which turned out to be him giving me a pyramid sales presentation on the products of "Longer Living Products".

I listened patiently but declined to get involved in joining. There was some benefit as the Aloe Vera gel is supposed to help sufferers of "irritable bowel syndrome" of which Diana is one and she telephoned him to order some later.

More trouble emanating from St Ives today as the Bushes had been brooding after seeing me and, far from remaining satisfied with what I had to say which was the impression they had given me, they had left a message for Mark Rainer saying that they were "pulling out"!

I counselled Mark about being wound up by the developments and he and I spoke later after he had talked to Angela again and they will meet tomorrow night when John Bush would also be available.

I worked hard this evening on preparing the cash withdrawals from the children’s trusts, taking account of the amounts owed back and forth, and then preparing the mailing envelopes and forms for the Trustees to sign. This took me until late, after which I stayed up and drank my relaxing Bournevita and then went to bed after midnight again.