More than 40 years, told day by day

Recovering after a hangover and then spending the day and evening managing a productive if stressed Huntingdon Constituency Meeting.
I got Percy elected as Chairman, Charles Looker as Vice-Chairman, Mark Rainer as Computer Data Officer, and got a personal endorsement for my enquiry.
John Major now has major problems on his hands over today's European Common's vote and Tony Blair was hosting a breakfast at The Dorchester with many top businessmen
I felt really hung over this morning and smelt of curry as well which made an interesting start to the day! I heard from the others, and we were all feeling ill which Nigel put down to the curry, but I felt was just that we had all stayed out too late and drunk too much.
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This month's summary will appear here at the end of the month 30 years after the relevant journal date, in accordance with the site confidentiality and security policies.

This month of February started fair and Scotland was still cold, but gales followed later in Eastern England with many trees down.
I visited my forest of Broubster at Caithness to discuss management issues and enjoyed a break therewith Wiggly, meeting up with her sister in Newcastle on the way back.
Still maintaining family life at home with Di and the kids, with lots of cinema trips and meals out, commissioning my new Psion 3a for mobile communications.
Also arbitrating on many LibDem squabbles, welcoming new members. Meeting up with Jim and Nigel to share relationship issues and for dog-training and shooting outings.
The Tory government still bad news and being hassled over teachers’ pay and national health failures as their anti-Europe sceptic members pull them apart.
The EEC President, Jaques Delors, introduces a draft directive to allow free passage of individuals between the fifteen member states but Britain will try to veto it. This, as we heard that Labour won the South Wales by-election.
A serious and deepening financial crisis as the City of London was hit by its oldest merchant bank, Barings, failing after losing £400m on foreign exchange dealings in Singapore.
The worse sporting news of the month was of the Ireland vs England international football match at Lansdowne Road being abandoned after violence from a hard core of English thugs.
Norwich City was losing form and doing badly, Talks between the PLO and Israel have led to hope that the present stand-off can be solved and a return to the peace process made.
February started with some fine weather and fresh air for my visit to Thormaid to review my management issues with Fountain Forestry.
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The chairman of Barings, Peter, a member of the same family that has run the bank since the 17thC, has said that "criminal conspiracy" was the cause of its demise.
A run for Sam and then joined Diana for a trip to Cambridge and spent time healing LibDem relationship issues.
Supervising the Shrove Tuesday pancakes before absenting myself for a great night out with Nigel, Sue and Wiggly
The chairman of Barings has said that "criminal conspiracy" may have been the cause of its demise as the transactions benefitted other traders. Mr Baring is a member of the same family that has run the bank since the 17thC and is very shocked.
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As stricken boxer Gerald McClenan's now critical, Barings has now gone into Administration despite a Bank of England team working over the weekend to attempt a rescue operation.
Wiggly and I kissed and cuddled and parted sweethearts tonight again.
The merchant banks, Barings, has now gone into Administration despite a Bank of England team working over the weekend to attempt a rescue operation.
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News of a deepening Financial crisis, The City of London has been hit by its oldest merchant bank, Barings, losing £400m on foreign exchange dealings in Singapore.
After more time on my LibDem St Ives Inquiry and accounts, a disappointing attitude from Wiggly who could not find time to talk to me, having a date. and another reconcillation with Wiggly
Tragic news last night after Nigel Benn's boxing opponent, Gerald McClenan, collapsed in his corner after being counted out and then had to have an emergency operation in a London hospital.
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