Another cold day with showers as I drive to Birmingham Byte Shop via three fine Rushden Antique shops before an evening helping Daniel with his homework. The US are in the Lebanon and the SDP say no to the Liberal suitors
Up early and after breakfast to leave at 7.30am to collect John Lamb at Rushden and on to Birmingham for a Byte Shop Board Meeting. There to join Jim Atfield, Peter King and Derek Weatherby and a good morning reviewing Birmingham’s sales, profits and assets. This branch is performing well and a good example to the others. Lunch in the new Chinese restaurant opposite where the Head Waiter arranges a full and varied meal – Peking style – with many beautiful duck and meat dishes. We manage all of these with chopsticks and take two hours finishing our lunch. We use the time well, however, and put the Byte Shop organisation to rights.
Then to meet the new personnel at the branch before setting off back to St Neots, dropping John off on the way. I notice in Rushden three fine antique and metal art shops and stop the car to marvel at the brass work – paraffin lamps in particular. Home to my evening meal to find Daniel struggling with his homework – His atlas had a misprint on the page numbers and he had misunderstood his maths homework, taking the instructions as data rather than question numbers in his text book. All to rights after an hours struggle and Daniel is doing all right with his school work.
I receive a strange letter from my Mum today with a tortuous explanation for her discomfort. I think they are confused and worried about their plight but much better able to cope than my sister Freda believes.
News today of an escalation of air support to the American troops in the Lebanon. Also the SDP party conference and a decision to stay a separate party from the Liberals. Overall they have done themselves no harm.
Another cold day today with showers. The warm summer seems definitely to have ended.