Day of business plans and quality consultancy before a late evening of export sales policy and Xitan planning as the miners decide their tactics for their next strike phase

An early awakening again and the bedside clock radio brings me the English National Anthem, awakening at 5.55am to strains of Elgar. Debbie is up and about as usual but Diana lays in with her recurrent cough and cold. Eventually to breakfast and to see the day which is beautifully clear and sunny. To the office and an early start on the business plans, briefing Derek Weatherby on the people budgets and June on the typing and representation of the next draft. A full morning of organising the work efforts before an early sandwich lunch and afternoon quality meeting.

First an internal meeting to agree terms of reference and then to welcome the arrival of a Quality Consultant to introduce him to Comart and brief him on the project ahead. A late evening at the office, discussing Export Supply Policy with David Fear and John Lamb; then reviewing Xitan Plans with John before staying alone to clear my desk and think further about the Business Plan. Home in time for the news and to hear that the miners have decided on a Delegates Conference and against a National Ballot. Then after a treat to bed and a good night’s sleep.