Recovering my lost ducks and composure on a hot and sunny day before Daniel and his friend Paul enjoy female company at the pool and ends with a BBQ at home and a downpour as I ponder how to save the deal to sell Comart
A long lay in punctuated only by an excellent fried breakfast and time to read The Sunday Times and Economist closely. A fine sunny and hot day as I rose about 10.30am and gathered the boys for an attempt at retrieving the two last ducks that we had located yesterday at the Paper Mill. Unfortunately today’s gatekeeper was not willing to allow us to catch them there, but I returned for the dinghy and at long last managed to herd them back up the weir stream, into the lock stretch and down towards the Paper Mill lock.
There they stayed and I could not get them to go in because of the cruiser movements and business of the locks. And so home to lunch and back afterwards with Daniel, some bread and a quieter lock to cope with. After much to do and at the second attempt we got them and the dinghy safely in and our neighbour's closed the gates and somebody opened the gate and down we went. I let Daniel go off with Paul to the open-air St Neots swimming pool on their bicycles and they had a whale of a time teasing the girls, playing strip poker and the Lord knows what! Daniel was even asked out by one of them but refused out of shyness. On his return we all have a nice barbeque out by the river and just finish in time before a heavy shower of rain falls. Then inside to read some journals and papers before the sky clears in late evening and I return to put away the ducks – all 13 of them! Then to relax in the bath and wash, my thoughts full of this dilemma over selling the company. If there was any way I could retain ownership and control whilst remaining active only 2/3 days a week as a Non-Executive Chairman I would gladly do it. My negotiations tomorrow should settle it; as for £2 ½ M I will have no warranties or restrictive covenants on my account. Unless they waive them or improve the offer to around £3M I can see the deal becoming blocked.