Belinda's Coffee Shop in Cambridge
Belinda's Coffee Shop in Cambridge

Unusually sunny and warm day for our Cambridge visit to Belinda’s Coffee Shop as the TUC presses the NUM to settle and more aid is announced for Ethiopia as the Polish priest’s body is found in a reservoir


My normal morning routine for a non-working day and then out with Diana for a trip to Cambridge. A coffee at Belinda’s and then we split. I went to Heffers and eventually found books on keeping doves and pigeons and also a book on squirrels for the future and smallholdings to send to Freda. I meet Diana in the market square at 12.00am, purchase fruit and vegetables, and then we walk off together to Belinda’s for an excellent onion soup, roll and salad sandwich for lunch. We then meet Sue and take her home on our way back. News tonight of the TUC putting pressure on Arthur Scargill and the NUM to end the coal dispute. Tomorrow there are crucial talks between the NCB and NUM and there are differing views on the TUC Council as to whether the TUC should be further involved in the settlement of the dispute.

In the Commons, Margaret Thatcher and Neil Kinnock clashed over the NCB’s handling of the dispute and the Chancellor said that he would have to borrow a further £1 ½ billion if the strike lasts until Christmas. He could not offer any plans to stop the rise in unemployment. More international help is being offered to Ethiopia with £20M from the EEC and the British transport aircraft are now accepted for three months. But charities are critical of the British government’s action as too little and too late. The Polish priest’s body was found today in a reservoir and the news was announced on Warsaw television. In Brighton, the police are leaving the Grand Hotel and the sea front road is open again. The OPEC Minister’s meeting seems to be having trouble agreeing formal oil pricing and production levels, but they have put some tentative plans in place. The weather unusually sunny and warm today.