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- My Father’s Birthday - Nervous night anticipating the building work complications before visit to Peacocks in Bedford to view the auction and then back to video the building work and phone my Dad on his birthday and to drop in on Eddie and Stella’s bonfire party on a cold and frosty night. Further news of South African curbs on press freedom with marches to Trafalgar Square in London and others in Pretoria in protest with ANC President Oliver Tambo the principal speaker
A little difficulty in getting off to sleep, thinking of the arrangements for the house and building work and then Diana had the same problem, waking up early and coming down on her own for coffee. All of us down presently and soon to all have breakfast. I retired again to my room after and read the Financial Times and then today’s mail. No plans from Smallbone yet, more BMMG papers, and computer journals to read. Abbey National are changing the terms of their Cheque-Save so that cheques paid in only earn interest when they clear, which is a pity as it was a strong advantage of the scheme. Dressed, washed and then out with the girls to St Neots (to collect my bank statement) and then on to Bedford for the rest of the morning. We started at Peacocks auction rooms, where we had a drink in the café before the others left and I had a look around.

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Early morning reading and resting and then sharing time between organising the builders priorities and making a shopping trip to Cambridge with Di and Della before home to care for the new doves and work with Daniel on his Prep as the South African authorities swamp Johannesburg to suppress demonstrations and press coverage . HM the Queen runs into demonstrations in the West Indies due to Thatcher’s rejection of sanctions , the USSR rejects the latest US proposals in Arms Control and the TV companies fall out with the Football league over live coverage. The new Arc Royal is commissioned by HRH The Queen Mother today amidst concerns about privatisation of the maintenance yards.
Tired and so slept well and was awoken by Diana and took some time to come to. I tottered over to my bedroom chair to sit and save my back and looked out over the gardens when not reading today’s paper and writing up yesterday’s journal. No deer today, but perhaps the quieter weekend will herald its return. At breakfast I discussed my video problems with Daniel, who was unable to suggest any credible reason for them. I was so distracted that I retired to the lounge to be reminded that I had not eaten anything and so was brought a slice of fresh toast to make amends. A fair time sitting there and reading the paper, the local papers, and the post and much troubled by the competing designs of the girls for the lounge; but held my ground until finished. Up to get washed and dressed after and then out with Della to the birds. No eggs again today. As I fed the established doves, I threw a few more seed grains in and around the nest holes in order to tempt the new arrivals out as they were cowering inside at their first experience of the open air (being raised as inside birds). The weather had started with a shower or two today, but it soon brightened up and the sun shone.