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Badly disrupted the kitchen fitters today by locking them out and spending the day in Cambridge and the architect insists on more carpenters to progress the work as peace breaks out in the world with Reagan taking Congress by storm over arms control progress and speculation mounts about the possible release of Nelson Mandela in South Africa
A poor night tossing and turning and not being able to get comfortable. Up in a poor mood and a glance at the FT before breakfast. The Kode shares are plumbing new depths again and I calculate their acquisition and present values and conclude that it is pointless selling them now as they have already lost most of their value, and capital gains tax would be payable on the resulting proceeds anyway. Breakfast with the family and I feed Della Rice Krispies and try to keep her happy. Up to get showered and shaved and then a rush to get ready as the carpenter and decorators start early. The rest of the builders go off on another job today, which is disappointing and, when the architect visits later, he arranges a meeting on Monday with Mr Cheeseborough to push for more progress on the link building. Out to the ducks and doves on a cold and damp morning and away by car with Di and Della to Cambridge on a shopping expedition. Initially for elevenses at Belinda’s coffee bar (where I feed Della another biscuit) and then on to Eaden Lilley to pick and confirm the wallpaper design for the hall, stairs and landing areas.

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The US/USSR arms talks conclude in Geneva with optimism and my building work goes well at home but supervising Daniel’s homework was a struggle and the St Neots Ekins Pig Auction looks to be finishing in the New Year and so I went to take a look
Awake to my morning tea and then the normal routine for these disorienting times. Washed, shaved and dressed after breakfast in the lounge and then, after a little reading, I watched the arms talks press conference live on TV from Geneva. The Swiss host introduced the two leaders in French and then Gorbachev spoke first and Reagan second. They had not achieved much by way of agreement – Reagan had stuck to his space weapons plans – but they had achieved a lot in terms of their relationship and rapport. Reagan jetted off to Brussels to brief his NATO partners, then on to the US Congress, whilst Gorbachev stayed behind and held a long press conference, telling of his disappointment at the SDI posture, but hoping for more progress in the arms talks to come. Then to open up the house for the builders. Today the two decorators arrived looking for work, Mr Cheeseborough came to put the lead flashing around the new chimney, and the labourers cleared up and took down the scaffolding afterwards. The plumber put on the radiator thermostats and completed his pipes for the link building and then the carpenter came, at last, to put the outside door on the ironing room. The doors for both ends of the upper link building will arrive tomorrow and he should be back to put them on and start sealing in the warmth. When ready, I took Diana and Della into town and, after coffee in the Cross Keys coffee bar, we went our separate ways for an hour. I paid some cheques into the Abbey National, bought a power lead for my outside lights, and then went to the Handyman to buy a whole host of security locks and Chub fittings. On after to the Shawes auction hall, stopping on the way to see the Ekins Pig Auction, which will not be going for very long into the New Year.

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Visit of John Lamb and lunch at The Southoe Bell listening to his disillusionment with Kode and declining to join him on a new business venture as The Hayling View kitchen fitters progress well on another very cold day and The House of Commons are on the verge of welcoming TV cameras for the first time
A sound night, but a very cold morning as the cold air from the open bedroom upstairs chilled the house. I turned up the radiators as I reckoned that the concrete had cured by now, but I still left the boiler temperature low, just in case. Breakfast rather late at 8.00am as Diana’s progress had been held back by the cold and, after a quick shave and bath, I only just managed to get the videos of the kitchen progress before the workmen arrived. Out to feed the ducks and doves. The new doves still look bedraggled and also no duck eggs recently. If the weather cheers up, I will let the former out and change the ducks straw for encouragement. A cold and drizzly morning with rain in the air, but not the same frost as of late. In for a morning coffee and then to light the log fire and stock up with logs from the garage. Then some time working in the lounge, catching up on reading and returning a few phone calls. Up to change before first the St Neots Carpet Company man came to finalise quotations for our cushioned vinyl floor and the last two carpet orders, and then John Lamb arrived. I showed him around and he was impressed by the magnitude of the works. But as I have often said to others – you either do the job properly and undertake fundamental changes to both house, or just connect them up simply and be left with two houses joined together, rather than a large house. Off then to the Southoe Bell for lunch at John’s invitation and to hear of his concerns.

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A very cold but busy and productive day for the builders and organising day for me as arms control talks between Reagan and Gorbachev go well
A good night and awake to my morning tea on a very cold and breezy morning. Up to our normal routine and then washed and shaved after Daniel had left for school. By 8.30am the workmen had arrived and we were pleased to see the plumber and electrician to do the tasks that allowed the kitchen fitters to carry on. These fitters were here by 8.45am and I left them to it after satisfying myself that all was well. Out to the ducks and doves and a longish chat with the gardener, informing him of the work I wanted done to clear the undergrowth from the boundaries of Bill’s plot. Then up in the loft so as to fetch a cordless telephone to connect to my office number. There was so much noise and disruption that I could not possibly make calls from there. The carpenter was knocking on skirting boards in the corridor and the builders were knocking out the door to the new ironing room. Then, from the lounge, I returned all of the calls on my answering machine. I spoke to Robin Tracey of Jarogate and accepted the invitation to perform the opening ceremony for his new factory.