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A lay in on a fine morning and then breakfast and a walk to the shops and back just in time to avoid a downpour and then a long rest, reading, until we could cruise to Brampton Mill for lunch and then on through Offord Lock and home to The Hayling View as HM hosts a Commonwealth leaders dinner to try and heal rifts and Anatoly Shcharansky’s family given permission to leave the USSR
Di laid in a little, on a fine, sunny and calm morning’s beginning and eventually got us the drinks as the children became more and more restive. Breakfast and then a walk into Godmanchester to the Causeway and shops. Bought a Sunday paper and Di some fresh milk and we just managed to get back to The Lady before the heavens opened and it poured with rain. A long rest, reading our papers and books, before the rain abated just in time, so that we could slip our moorings and cruise the short distance to Brampton Mill for lunch. A fine meal, enjoyed by us all and I was glad I had done the ‘pathfinding’ a couple of weeks ago.

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Disturbed at night and then delayed this morning by near-storm force winds which allowed me to read history books in the library as St Ives was busy with American tourists until just managing to move to Godmanchester in the wind for the girls to enjoy the playground there. A quieter ending to the day, fishing with Daniel and then a walk around the place with Diana as Thatcher is still opposing action against South Africa
Another sound night, but also punctuated for all of us by the sound of the wind moving The Lady at its moorings. There was near storm force winds gusting to the highest levels we have seen for some time and so we did not leave our moorings until much later this afternoon. After our boating routine we all set off for a walk into Huntingdon. A busy ring road to cross these days, with the traffic almost continuous. I looked after the girls for a while to relieve Di and then went to Huntingdon library and looked at local history books in the reference section. A good range and kept on the shelves for easy access. I must come and take a longer look with a notebook on some future occasion.

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Bright and sunny start after a cold and damp night on The lady at Waites Quay and some more successful fishing as Daniel went off in the dinghy and the girls went shopping in St Ives and then off through Hemingford and Houghton locks to Huntingdon where I took Debbie to see Bambi at the cinema and then fished with Daniel afterwards. Thatcher faced angry protests at The Commonwealth Games as a Japanese offered to meet the losses of the Games spoilt by her
Another settled night’s sleep and we awoke to a bright and sunny start to the day. In fact the night was so clear that the temperature dropped and a very heavy dew dampened Diana’s bunk again! Breakfast without incident and then I resumed my fishing as Daniel went out in the dinghy and the girls went shopping. I added to my net of fish from last night and finally ended up with about a dozen dace, two bream, two roach and a chub – all small, but good sport nevertheless. Then, with Daniel returned, we got out the tool box and repaired two of The Lady’s faults.