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Some successful financial planning as Stock Exchange bottoms and then a family trip to Cambridge where I resumed researching Little Paxton history before returning to take Debbie for her riding lesson as Daniel reluctantly welcomes his girlfriend Clare. News is of a bomb blast at an Iranian Kensington High Street shop, the Tory hierarchy taking the Young Tories to court and the fight between the British Nimrod and American Boeing is on for the new AWAC’s order. Anti-nuclear protesters are banned from test sites but are vindicated when Sellafield re-processing is halted due to radiation levels.
A better night after warming Diana’s feet first! A morning drink to bring me round, whilst I caught up on the last two day’s Financial Times. EHP, a company of whom I bought £10,000 worth of shares in a de Zoete private placement, is going public soon, which will make me a good return, and the stock exchange has recovered a little this account, which could mean this summer’s bottom, though danger of the Tories losing the next election will see it crashing again. Showered, shaved and dressed in time for breakfast, though the others had already started. Just wheat flakes and fruit juice. Out to feed the doves, as the rain moderated to a fine spray and deterred the Low’s cat in the process, then got Daniel and Pete to help me carry The Lady’s winter cover to the car for our trip to Cambridge today.

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A rather boring wet day of working in my office and then inside laying carpet pieces upstairs as the boys had Clare and Heather around before Daniel went to Clare’s house to ‘watch videos’! This as Russia extends their nuclear test ban unilaterally, Sarah Lambert was found safe after it was feared that she had been abducted, Anti-nuclear demonstrators stop disposal site tests and South Africa details some 8,500 people detained under ‘emergency regulations’
Another late night, which was also restless with the warmth and then another late morning to follow. We are no longer in a morning routine, now that Di is laying in bed. Breakfast of sliced melon, which was nice and also some wheat flakes to follow. Still eating as cleaner Joan arrived at 9.00am, but up to shower, shave and dress, as we did not swim after breakfast today. Out then to feed the doves, which were quite hungry, but I could not tempt the new blue bar youngster to the table. Many of the others were covered in creosote as they could not bear to be out of their dovecote , even for one night, as I had painted it,.

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An early swim with Daniel, then a special Sunday lunch with silver and china in the dining room before a short afternoon cruise on The Lady before home for an evening film as 60 are feared dead as a Sudanese airliner is shot down by rebels, another London girl goes missing and the killer who faked his own death after killing his family gives himself up.
A fair lay in and then the Observer in bed with my morning tea, before down to a fried breakfast with the family. Few of us were dressed. Then I persuaded Daniel to go swimming and we had a splendid dime ducking each other and ended up quite shattered. Dressed and out to the doves and ducks, before coffee with Di in the back garden. Then I decided to make today’s lunch special and to return to our tradition of dining in the dining room with our best silver and china.

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Some fun in the swimming pool on a warm and sunny day with Daniel and friends before and after a trip to Bedford where I was researching Little Paxton history and after which I worked outside on the dove cote and repaired some light switches. The Queen Mum has recovered but British climber Mrs Julie Tullis is discovered to have died three days after reaching the K” summit and all but two are missing from the seven man team
A long lay in, until woken with my drink and slower still to get up. Last night Daniel’s friend Steve stayed with us and so there was one extra to breakfast – and I was the only one that was not dressed. Out to the pool and decided a swim would get me going and so shaved and then jumped in; the children joining me as well. I played a game with the boys – ducking them and being ducked and we are well matched now, particularly after Gary joined us in the pool.