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Another full day of work decorating The Hayling view windows and doors but still time with Daniel and Debbie as the Reagan/Gorbachev summit preparation proceeds but is overshadowed by yesterday’s South African sanctions vote, the Channel Island Ferry strike tightens and Indian President Ghandi and his Chief of Police escape gun attacks two days running and assassin Karamijit Singh is arrested
Awoke rather late and soon was drinking my morning tea. Dressed after showering and shaving and then soon on my way down, tearing Daniel away from a video recording of a Kung Fu film on the way. Breakfast of wheat flakes and, as the fog showed signs of clearing, I opted out of the trip to Bedford and stayed at home to continue the painting. Fed the doves first and then opened up the large lounge window and went through my normal routine of preparing it for painting. Stopped then to drink my morning coffee, which I drank whilst sitting by the river and watching the doves feed again. It had been a cold start to the day and it was only now that the doves were active and feeding well.

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Further day working alone on the house decoration, with Diana to Bedford for her hair-dressing appointment, with a poor salad for lunch and an overdone trout for dinner as I supervise Daniel’s homework and read to Debbie as the builders work slowly to nearly finish the wall. The US Senate votes by 78-21 to overturn Reagan’s rejection of South African sanctions despite threats of grain reprisals, Ghandi narrowly survives an assassination attempt and Libyan Airlines flights to the UK are banned over fears of arms being brought in.
A somewhat restless night ended rather rudely, as Di had overslept and brought the drinks late. At least there was no fog this morning and, after a quick wash and toast breakfast, I was soon out to continue my toils. First I fed the doves and had a word with the gardener, who was mowing all the lawns this morning. Di’s mother arrived and looked after Della whilst Di drove to Bedford for a hair dressing appointment. Pity our visitor parked her car in front of a neighbour’s drive, which caused some consternation.

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After a cooler and more comfortable night and some better news on my weight, some more work decorating outside with the builders finishing off the wall as Daniel’s schoolwork is improving due to our extra time encouraging him. The Labour Party conference compromises on a slow nuclear disarmament as the Russians hint at a medium-range missile deal, the seamen’s ferry strike is growing, the British Gas flotation and installation of Tory BBC Chairman is Thatcher’s work and the black South Africans mourn the 177 dead from the toxic fumes of the recent gold mine fire
Slept OK, as the nights are cooler recently and quite comfortable. Switched on the BBC external service on the radio, as I drank my tea and then showered and shaved. I have been listening to this programme lately – mainly the news between 7.00am and 7.30am. It seems that this service is also networked across the USA, where they appreciate the news being given straight, rather than the high-power sales act they get there. I used my new razor this morning and the contrast was remarkable. I always use the old ones until they scratch and cut my face. Breakfast of more wheat flakes, but nothing else. I am now down to 13st 11lbs and need to get to 13 ½ stone.