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Cutting up logs and then concreting the Hayling View slipway winch into position on a cold and blustery day by wheel-barrowing stiff mix from the lorry after taking Diana for coffee and cakes in St Neots but still upsetting her by preferring her hair long and straight. This as the US/Ussr diplomatic war continues, as does Norman Tebbit’s with the BBC and the Labour Party’s against errant local councillors. A further trade deficit causes a further run on the pound again
A sound night’s sleep and was brought my morning tea early. Got quickly showered, shaved and dressed and was accompanied by Debbie, who brought her things through to use our en-suite shower room, rather than Daniel’s. Early downstairs and read some of today’s paper before breakfast was ready. Then out at 8.00am to start work at the same time as Pete and we prepared the winch for cementing over the next couple of hours. We had to try several methods of constructing a gantry, until finally managing to raise the winch into position by using its own power. The concrete lorry was late and so we filled in by moving the rest of the logs out of the way of the rising river and then using Nigel’s chain saw to cut a few up.

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Sunny and Showery day for the visit of my parents, Fred and Grace Broad, and the trial drive in my new Range Rover as Russia announces their latest diplomatic sanctions against the US and the execution of ‘spy’ Adolf Tolkachev whilst the UK is preoccupied with the level of pension and benefit increases and the Labour and Liberal/SDP alliance parties settle their policies and appointments
Snuggled up together on a cold night and then slept well until woken by Di with my morning tea. Sat in bed reading the rest of the Range Rover owner’s manual and made myself late for breakfast. A couple of croissants heated in the microwave and a little fruit juice to wash them down. No FT today, probably because of a dispute or breakdown, so I started to work outside for a while, until coffee. Then the gas fitter arrived and made my hair stand on end with his handling of the Moffat cooker. Why is it that they are always so sullen and resentful? By the time he had left, Di was back from her first trip out in the Range Rover. I had checked its identification numbers and ascertained that its engine is a high compression version, with fuel injection.

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To collect our new Range Rover from Marshalls and then borrow a trailer to collect the abandoned boat off of the A45 verge to take to Steve’s place and then really strict with Daniel’s homework before catching up on today’s newes: Mutual diplomatic expulsions as the US and USSR act tough in public, the BBC back down over a programme exposing ‘Thatcher’s Militant Tendency’, cuts to support grants for British Rail (in contrast to the policies of other European governments) and mortgage rates start to rise again
To bed quite early last night and slept with Di on the best of terms. Another wet and windy night and still raining as I drank my morning tea and showered and shaved. After Di cut my hair last night, I shampooed it this morning and it was much more comfortable and manageable. Breakfast of boiled egg with the family, then read the Financial Times, as they all left about their business. At 9.00am, I phoned Marshalls of Bedford to see if my Range Rover was ready, but Mr Pink was not in and so we left anyway, with the Jaguar limping along in the pouring rain. Wiper blade coming adrift, exhaust blown, fuel tank nearly empty and gasping, but we managed to get there and changed into the new Range Roger, with automatic transmission and air conditioning. Rather a different style, but a luxury working vehicle.

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Much of the day inside working on my accounts on a very wet, wild and windy day before time with Daniel on his homework and then proud to see Debbie start Brownies and to read to her in front of a log fire on her return. The death of the Mozambique President today was suspiciously helpful to South Africa and General Motors are pulling out of the country.
Awoke on a very wet morning, as rain lashed down and a rising wind dislodged more dead leaves from the riverside trees. My normal bathroom routine and then down to breakfast and to override the family, who wanted the curtains of the breakfast room closed and the lights on. I still like the riverside view, even if the prospect is quite wild. I sat in the day room after and read yesterday’s Observer and then today’s Financial Times, as Joan worked around me. The weather got windier, but the clouds were broken with flashes of sunlight between squally showers.