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Auction viewing day in St Ives and then back to re-proof The Lady’s winter cover after a meeting with the JCB driver and lunch with the family as the Reagan/Gorbachev mini-summit is well underway and thousands are trapped in the El Salvador earthquake but Mother Theresa escapes a plane crash in Tanzania as 6 others are killed and HM The Queen visits China
Slept soundly, but still woke with a cold for my trouble – the whole family is sniffing. Showered and washed my hair to the background of the BBC World Service news and Radio 4 features and came down to a breakfast of toast and honeycomb and apple juice to drink. Unlocked and then read the paper and the morning post and was struggling to get down to some paperwork, when Di came and reminded me that it was St Ives auction viewing today. Before we left, I managed to phone the JCB contractors house and ascertain his movements today and then just tended the doves and ducks and put the house alarms on, prior to pulling away in the Escort Estate.

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To Cambridge today to look at our new Daimler seat space and headroom and then more shopping after a Copper Kettle lunch before reading to Debbie and taking her horse-riding to increase her confidence as Thatcher makes her combative and defiant Conference speech, San Salvador is devastated by a major earthquake and we make a killing with the TSB issue
Was very late to bed last night, feeling sorry for myself and watching the TV, and so did not want to wake up this morning. Had a lay-in, however, as Diana had forgot to set the alarm and I had to wake her up at 7.40am! Showered, shaved, dressed and down to a breakfast of two croissants. Then out to chat to Pete, who agreed with the idea of getting the JCB driver in for a day or two to level our games lawn area. Sat in the lounge reading our paper, waiting for the post and, when it arrived, I was pleased to see the TSB allotments.

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Good day painting The Hayling View doors and sills with Nigel visiting for the afternoon to discuss the possible sale of his business and worries about Kimbolton School finances before I spend time with Debbie and Daniel and then hear of Reagan and Gorbechev competing for air time in Reykjavik and of Hazeltine and Howe arguing for expansion and job creation at The Tory Conference whilst Thatcher nurses her sprained ankle and hurting hand and Liberal UK leader, David Steel, who is now visiting, condemns the South African regime as being morally bankrupt as they now attack the democratic opposition in their latest repressive moves
A very poor night – suffering from my sore throat and sniffles that kept me awake. A couple of throat lozenges from the kitchen helped a bit, but not much. Tired when my morning tea came, but rose quickly for my shower and down to a natural honeycomb/toast breakfast on time. For once, both children had tidied their rooms. Quickly down to work after, with only a short look at today’s newspaper. I painted the front door in a top coat blue gloss (took 3 hours) and then started on the inner garage big door. Changed to a 3 inch brush half way through, due to lack of progress, but finished it by 12 o’clock, to leave time for the side door as well by lunchtime. More salad, but after our recent meals and drinks out, I am not losing much weight. As I sat with a mug of tea and watched the TV news after, Nigel Smith phoned and was soon over to spend the afternoon chatting. He is toying with the idea of selling his business and is also worried about a Kimbolton School idea to replace their appeals with covenants for all parents (!).

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A cold and hangover after last night and so breakfast in my pyjamas and a slow start to the decorating with the mastic sealant the main priority as the Tarmac guys came to surface our driveway and then time only with Daniel tonight as I had to give reading to Debbie a miss with my sore throat. Both sides anticipate the US/USSR arms talks in Reykjavik and Tory ministers promise spending at their conference as Sterling falls again!
Slept fine, but did wake up last night when the night got colder and we needed some more bed clothes. Had a cold coming on this morning, with a sore throat and some sniffles. Not surprising considering I have been sharing handkerchiefs with the girls during the progress of their colds. Sat in bed for quite a while writing up yesterday’s journal and was last down to breakfast in my pyjamas. Rode the scorn of the kids for this state of dress, but enjoyed my wheat flakes all the same. Felt rather hungover from yesterday and was about to dress after a slow shower when the tarmac man arrived, without warning, to look over our drives.