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A full day of visits to Biggleswade for Shopping, then Jordon’s for their duck and dove food, wheat flakes and honeycomb and then on to Cambridge for the grand launch of the Jaguar XJ40, at which I ordered the top-of-the-range Daimler as their second deal and we enjoyed some copious hospitality and then home to witness my old contact Kenneth Baker trying to plot a moderate course on Education at the Conservative Party Conference whilst ‘boot-boy’ Norman Tebbit tried to wind everybody up and then I had to switch off as John Major took the stand with Edwina Currie! A strike at Lucas threatens Austin Rover production and the first new Independent newspaper edition looks good today but neighbours Eddie and Stella looked to have quite failing health
Slept well and aroused quickly to my morning tea on another warm and humid day. Only a little dew, for a change, and the sun was soon rising above the morning mist. Down to a breakfast of boiled egg, which we enjoyed and then I sat out under the south balcony in the morning sun, reading today’s mail and relaxing. I had brought through the white garden bench of plastic, which is an improvement on the collection of jumble that was there before. I fed the doves and was ready to go out when Di got back from taking Debbie to school. We drove off towards Biggleswade today, as we were due in Cambridge tonight, and took the Escort Estate to get some goods. First parked in Biggleswade High Street and were pleased that we can always do this there, without troubling over car parks and charges.

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Working outside decorating the house and garages again on a fine and warm day until night-fall and a meal of pork chops when I heard news of the demise of the Russian Nuclear Submarine and the heroic efforts of the crew to stop the reactor exploding and of the arms intruders threating the highly-guarded Tory conference again as a testament to Thatcher’s unpopularity. Kasparov has narrowly beaten Karpov to retain the world chess championship
Slept well and awoke to find my morning tea on offer. A mild night and no hardship in having our bedroom French windows open, either last night or this morning. Showered, shaved and then enlisted Diana’s help before breakfast in getting Daniel to clear up and tidy his room. Some wheat flakes and then to quickly apply a second coat of Sadolin to the office and bedroom door steps, before going out to feed the doves. A time working in the office, sorting my papers and attending to a few important matters.

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Watching Hotel Boats cruise The Great Ouse from my vantage point painting my bedroom French Doors before a fair lunch of roast lamb served in style before welcoming Daniel back after his cycle ride to see Steve and reading Country Companion to Debbie. This as 45,000 across Scotland link arms to oppose nuclear weapons as a Russian nuclear sub is forced to surface after a fire, more prison trouble occurs due to overcrowding, the re-enacted Jarrow Crusade uses the old banner now that the jobless total is up to 22%
A lay in this morning and I seemed to wake first and had to rub Di all over to get her out of bed and to get my drink! Just a wash and shave (as I showered last night) and then down to a nice fried breakfast in the kitchen. This morning’s chore was the painting of the bedroom doors and I managed to get an undercoat on before lunch. Also found time to clean out the ducks, whose straw was getting very soiled. The gardens are so much more open now and the view from the balcony, as I worked, so good. It is the nearest the house is to the river, which was very busy with boats, the lock working them through all day. Also saw a pair of hotel boats going downstream.

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A slightly odd day with me tired and not very energetic at my house decorating project but I made some progress before joining the family for a Happy eater Lunch and then changing later for a GOBA dinner amongst much older guests at The George in Huntingdon but the Wells lifeboat mechanic’s talk was interesting
Slept fine and awoke to my morning tea on another misty day. Had the light on for a while before drawing the curtains and then showered and dressed, ready for breakfast. Once Daniel was ready for school and had left, I went out to feed the doves and then prepared our bedroom French doors for painting. First I used a wire brush to remove the rust from the hinges they had left exposed and then applied a couple of coats of pink oxide primer to them. Feeling a bit tired, I then got changed and took the girls into St Neots earlier than usual. Got myself a half pound of shrimps for tea and a few other things, then walked along to Shawes to see a ‘car-boot’ sale that they organise on Saturdays recently.