I forwent my customary Sunday cooked breakfast after lots of food yesterday evening and a very late night and to tend to my doves on another cold day with the far bank lined by anglers taking part in a competition. A Lovely roast beef Sunday lunch with our best silver and china and then some televised football before helping Debbie make good progress with her Maths. The Syrians have relieved the Palestinian refugee camps and their campaign is ended, Andy Warhol dies of a heart attack having his gall bladder removed, Loyalists raiding a UDF base are stopped carrying 170 guns and the Tories have just a 1% lead in marginal constituencies
After a very late night again, I awoke still tired and a little the worse for alcohol as well. Di and I quickly agreed to forgo the cooked breakfast this morning and I ate cereal, as any other day. A brief look at the Sunday papers, but could not afford too much time at it. Went out to check the doves and ducks and had to re-fit a ring to one of the baby doves. I was concerned after this, because the mother dove took nearly half an hour to return to the nest. The day was milder than of late, but even so, the squabs must have got quite cold by then. I checked later and, fortunately, they had survived. A popular day for fishing today, now that the end of the season is in sight. The far bank of the river was lined with anglers, as they took part in a match, but they did not seem to catch very much. Daniel’s friend, Gary, had slept OK overnight, but they had both stayed up until we came in, watching a Kung Fu film and enjoying it immensely. Down to work on my history, finishing off the Paxton Hall section, before I was called in to lay up the table for lunch.
Some nice roast beef for the meal and Di used our new carving plate and managed to cut the meat easily. The washing up afterwards, as is traditional now on a Sunday. Daniel seems quite happy about this chore these days and brings his ‘wog-box’ down to keep us entertained with music as we do the chore together. This afternoon I watch live football on the TV and was entertained to see lowly Wimbledon beat Everton 3-1, to make the cup 5th round. Tea around the TV in the lounge, watching the Antiques Roadshow and enjoying both. This evening working again and quite latish. Time with Debbie tonight, doing more of her tables and maths work. She is improving. The main news is of the end of the campaign by Syrian troops to take over Beirut and the Palestinian refugees, previously trapped starving in the camps, were able to leave. There was a worrying raid on an Ulster Defence Regiment base in Londonderry early today by Loyalists, but the van carrying 170 guns was stopped 45 miles away and the driver was arrested. Tom King, the Northern Ireland Secretary, has ordered an enquiry into the incident. Andy Warhol, the unconventional ‘pop’ artist died in a New York hospital, after an operation on his gall bladder led to a heart attack! French police have arrested the top terrorist leaders of Action Directe, after a tip-off had revealed their whereabouts. More opinion polls are monitoring the political parties chances of winning the next election and the latest give the Tories a 1% lead in the 50 marginal constituencies, but the chances of tactical voting may lose the Tories some seats.