To St Neots Priory Car Park after time sorting photos and press cuttings but then to find bad news of our lost ‘flower fairy’ but a better lunch and trip to the fair in the riverside park afterwards before the children to bed as I take Di to Cambridge for a war film in the pouring rain. The bizarre lead story today was the chase of a West German aviator, Mathias Rust (19), who flew to Moscow, buzzed the Kremlin in a light plane and then landed in Red Square after which Russia’s Chief of Air Defence and Defence Minister were both summarily sacked by Gorbachev!
A bright morning and Diana was awake very early after losing the bed clothes in the night. Tea, then breakfast, myself dressed in a sports jacket and best jeans for going out later. Even so, we stayed in until quite late in the morning. I was sticking my Little Paxton press cuttings and photos into the scrap book and cataloguing & referencing our latest photographs. Let the ducks out and fed the doves – 6 eggs as usual – then it was time to go. A little while in St Neots looking around the Priory car park for the girl’s flower fairy that Della lost their yesterday. Sadly, we found her dress, then head and two legs and it seems that some demented soul dismembered and scattered it, which fact upset Debbie greatly. Picked up Daniel and then drove off to the Croxton Happy Eater for lunch. It was very crowded with families coming back from the East Coast at the end of school half-term week.
I also rather resented the presence of a waitress (‘Selina’) who is the wife aboard the houseboat here, whose car always blocks Willow Close. After this, we all went into St Neots riverside car park to enjoy a fair there. The afternoon weather forecast of rain proved incorrect and we treated the children to a variety of rides and amusements. Home eventually and I helped Daniel cut out a hole in Little Lady for the car radio to mount in. I have given him an old radio that I have been keeping for some years. Tea and then I persuaded Di to come out with me to Cambridge for the evening. She was most reluctant, but I got Daniel & Debbie to tidy the house and then wash up and put Daniella to bed. This let Di and I go out and we watched the horrific Vietnam war film, ‘Platoon’, which showed the conflict for what it was; a bloody, confused and futile war that ended in American humiliation and pointlessness. Home in the pouring rain, which had come late – too late to impede us. To bed around 11pm without time to watch the TV news. By other accounts, a bizarre lead story was the chase of a West German aviator, Mathias Rust (19), who flew to Moscow, buzzed the Kremlin in a light plane and then landed in Red Square. For not heading off the incident, Russia’s Chief of Air Defence and Defence Minister were both summarily sacked by Gorbachev! The latest opinion poll has Labour gaining again, after poll confidence in the Tories had led to a near-record rise on the stock exchange last Friday.