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A historic day marking excellent progress in the Nuclear arms talks with massive reductions on both sides now within reach and a test ban treaty to follow. I was occupied keeping the peace with Della this morning as we made our customary trip to Bedford and I was able to buy a new suitcase and video camera set for our forthcoming holiday in Anaheim. This afternoon collecting my newly-repaired rotavator from Gibbs and Dandy Gale in order to start cultivating my prospective games lawn area
Slept well enough, but awoke a little weary from the chores of tending to the children lately. Showered and washed my hair, then went down to breakfast in my dressing gown and was still too late to see the others at the table. We had croissants this morning and only Della was still there to help share mine. Soon dressed after and then ready for our shopping trip to Bedford. There then came the first of a series of outbursts by Daniella, who was to do her best to make the trip as trying as possible. Eventually away and arrived in our new coffee place in Bedford, but the drink was somewhat spoiled by the mite’s antics again.

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Working on my correspondence inside in my office for most of this rainy day, accepting that Council candidature and pursuing many other matters and then managing to get an undercoat on the balcony rails when the rain stopped before helping a local girl with her Little Paxton project and taking Debbie horse-riding again. The Shultz & Shevardnadze talks are extended as hopes rise for a bigger arms treaty and the Liberals vote overwhelmingly for merger with the SDP but the miners’ overtime ban is still on, the Gulf still burns and another UDR man is shot by the IRA
Slept well enough, but was awoken very early this morning, as Di ensures that we are all ready for breakfast. Cereal and fruit juice and Di took Debs and Dan to their bus stop, as the overnight rain was still continuing. This morning, I settled down in my office on some paperwork, whilst Di took Della to playschool. Little Della cried when Di tried to leave her again, but was all right once she had gone. She later brought me home a nice snail she had adorned with little pieces of paper stuck on. I had been reading today’s paper and then writing a whole host of letters. Acceptance of the SDP candidature for the Little Paxton Ward, seeking updating of conservatory quotes, making my claim for compensation over damage to the Blue Peter and other things. After lunch, Di went off to post the letters and I got on with the painting of the balcony again.

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A mountain of paperwork to do after an early start and then a trip into St Neots to complete the chores and book our Disneyland holiday and then failed to find the scaffold fittings I needed for the moorings before we all enjoyed the Kimbolton Statute Fair with Debbie winning the prizes and endurance tests! Thatcher suffers barracking in the North East over industrial dereliction with 19% unemployment on Teeside and, as SDP leader Robert MacLennan addresses the Liberal Conference the local SDP/Liberal Alliance representatives ask me to accept the candidacy for the Little Paxton Councillor seat in the District Council
A little trouble sleeping again, but was dead to the world when Di brought me morning tea. It seemed to be earlier than usual and perhaps Di was trying to ensure everyone was ready for breakfast. Plenty of time to get showered, shaved and dressed for breakfast and this morning we had a boiled egg each. Di managed to cook it perfectly for a change. We needed to go into St Neots later, but first we did a few chores. I had a mountain of post to sift through – mostly dividend warrants and Trust documents – and I ascertained which cheques needed to be paid in etc before we went. Also phoned to try and contact Colin Howard about getting some more photographs done and to check on my rotavator repair, which was not yet ready. Into town in the Range Rover and first coffee in the Rendezvous Cafe, whilst I made out a host of forms for in-payments and taxing the car. Then we went to St Neots Travel Agency and ordered our Disneyland holiday for the children’s half term week – it was over £2000 and I had to fight to get them to agree to let us go without insurance.

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A lot of time with the children on a warmer and sunnier, accompanied by Della at every step first thing and then the evening with Daniella and Debbie with their homework, until Debbie went off for her ballet lesson.. A visit from my Mum and Dad midday on their way to see Freda and Alf in Cornwall and Di stayed home today to see them as her father was in hospital today for a prostate operation. Arms talks between Shultz and Shevardnadze were ‘off to a good start’ today and it now seems that the way will be paved for a Reagan/Gorbachev meeting, but the Iran/Iraq talks only achieve limited progress and the 26 white Dewsbury rebel children, whose parents refuse them attending a mainly Asian school, are now being taught in a pub, as talks are deadlocked there as well
Awake a couple of times during the night and felt a bit groggy this morning. Di brought me my tea and then Della arrived soon after to ‘keep me company’. I had trouble shaking her off and she followed me into the bathroom for a shower as well. Slowly shampooed my hair and completed my bathroom routine and so I came down to breakfast in my pyjamas to be with the others for 7.45am. Dressed after and then helped Della wave to Dan & Deb, as they walked off to catch the bus. With Di’s father going into hospital today for a prostate operation and not being in Cambridge, Di decided to stay at home to see my Mum & Dad, who were dropping in her on their way to see Freda and Alf in Cornwall. She spent the morning putting the holiday photos into folders, as I sanded off the rest of the balcony and painted the rails with primer. I got Pete to mow the lawns, as the rotavator is still under repair. A nice sunny and warm day. Della played out the front on her bicycle, as I worked up the ladder. Mum and Dad arrived about 11.30am, after we had already had a morning drink at 10.00am. Still made another drink to welcome them on a brief visit.