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Back to a busy day and reality as I tried using rotavators without much success but had better luck with sanding and priming my balcony rails, coating more than a third of them by teatime. Much energy this evening helping the children with their home work as Daniel is skimping his and Debbie takes far too much time as she has Brownies tonight to fit in. The NCB and NUM are at loggerheads in the miners’ dispute and exchanging threats, the US makes its latest ‘Double Zero Option’ arms proposal to the Soviets and the Liberal Conference, addressed by the SDP President, Shirley Williams, looks set to support the merger proposal.
Slept well enough and Di was first awake and made the morning drinks, as we returned to our normal routine. Another fine and sunny day, although the breeze was getting up. I opted to work outside today and make a start on the rusting balcony rails, but first I got Di to ring her friend Brenda about the rotavator. It seems they had got it working and tried to come round on Friday, but we were out when they telephoned. Pete and I went round in the Range Rover and bought it for £42. It is a Landmaster garden rotavator and, though old, seems to work well. It was hard going on our land, when we got it home, as the clay was hard and dry. We were just making some progress when a bolt fell out of the gear box and was lost in the earth!

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Working on my papers in the summerhouse today after a last start for me and the family on a much improved day weather-wise; and then playing with Della and watching over Debbie as she played with Amy on The Lady. Daniel went to find Paul and Louise and then was off on his boat and I went on a long walk around Little Paxton as research for my book before getting home to read to Debbie and then tackle the Norfolk video editing I had intended to do earlier. Perez de Cuellar, struggled to find any common ground in his Iran/Iraq mediation and a sailor is missing after a boat capsized off Blackpool.
Was quite late to bed last night and so led the ‘lay-in’ this morning. Once awake, I opened the curtains and read the rest of yesterday’s Financial Times, until Di brought the drinks up. The whole family slow to shower and dress, but we eventually had breakfast. Debbie did more of her maths prep and I read today’s papers as well. Soon it was time for coffee, which I served by the river in the summerhouse. Debbie collected her friend Amie and they played on The Lady for a little while again, whilst I looked out of the summerhouse window to make sure they were all right. Daniel was off to see Paul and Louise and her friend again. In the hour or so before lunch, I cleaned out the swimming pool and back-flushed and emptied the filters. The heating had cut out again and was only 70degF this morning, but was 74degF by lunchtime.

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Starting a windy but very mild day working with Daniel and Debbie on their homework and concentrating on Debbie’s tables until I let her join her friends on their bikes outside afterwards and then with Della on The Lady under its covers. Then to plan an expensive a half term break to Disneyland in Anaheim and take Di for a meal at The Swan at Bromham and to the cinema in Bedford to see ‘Blind Date’ as the Pope was greeted in New Orleans to the sound of a band play ‘When the Saints go marching in’!
Up at the usual time, even though it is the weekend, as Daniel still has to go to school on Saturday mornings. Debbie started her homework that she had been set. This did not last too long, as soon I got Daniel to set up the computer with a tables programme in the spare room and then Debbie sat at the terminal being tested and marked. Then Amy and Katherine came out on their bicycles in the Willow Close and we let Debbie go out and join them. I read the Investors Chronicle and then made some coffee and took the girls down to the summerhouse. It was a windy day, but very mild with it and it was pleasant enough sitting and drinking there. Di read the weekend section of the FT and marvelled at the country properties and then Debbie, Amy and Della played on The Lady under some covers that we had left there.

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Whilst the children were at school, I took Debbie shopping in Bedford and bought a new bed-head a high chair/stool and some shower curtains but also looked at the latest hand-held video cameras. We stopped off at Barford to see our old boat Utopia II, now on its way to be lived in in Cambridge. Di and Della left for Cambridge to see her brother’s new baby as I worked on and supervised the children’s’ homework. More trouble for BT who is overcharging customers and in The Gulf between Iraq and Iran but Chad and Libya have agreed a ceasefire at the OAU’s behest.
A poorish night. First I was too hot and then too cold (!) as I adjusted the bed clothes. Slowly up, showered and dressed ready for breakfast. Di served hot croissants for a change. Debbie had two, leaving one for Daniel and the last, the first one she had ever had, for Daniella. Daniel and Debbie toddled off to school and the rest of us prepared to leave for Bedford. I left out the Hewlett’s wages before leaving, so that we could take our time getting back. Drove the Barford way to Bedford for a change and saw our old boat, Utopia II, moored up there. Parked in the multi-story car park and then took Di on a longish walk round the town to find somewhere nicer to have our coffee. We decided on Perrings, a traditional chain of furniture stores, that also has a comfortable and spacious coffee bar. It was to their advantage, as we had a look at the furniture and decided to buy a new bedhead and a high chair/stool whilst we were there. Time after to look at a few shops together and then we split up for a while. I went into Dixons and saw the new JVC automatic video camcorder, which is smaller and easier to use than my set.