A very good days canvassing results in Southoe Percy but a very different experience for Des Merrill and Abbotsley where the Tories have been arm twisting their party members to put up posters and we found little support on a day where the Merrill’s family cat got run over.
Today was spent canvassing in Southoe which was a rewarding experience. The results were an improvement in my own election last year, which showed that all my hard work had been worthwhile. Even Thurleigh Close and Orchard Close were for us in majority, which was very different to before. This village will certainly help Percy Meyer in his County Ward as, apart from Great Gransden, it is presently the only one that is declaring for us (except for the good old Diddington that comes into the same bracket). This evening, I went out with Des Merrill to Abbotsley which was a very different experience. The Tories had been arm-twisting their party members and signs were up all over the place and, canvassing the farms, we did not find much support. A depressing day as the Merrill’s family cat got killed by a car this morning. I stayed late at Percy Meyer’s house and got the canvassing results analysed. For the first time, our statistics show Percy ahead according to the Richmond Formula, but we must be sceptical about the separation of the votes for Percy and Des. Still not as bad as we may have thought.