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Debbie was too ill with a chest infection to go to school today but I carried on working on my book and Diana and I prepared the new chest for Sundance. It seems we need one of our heating boilers replaced but the surprise today was a stock of a surge of stock exchange valuations with investors fearing that they miss the recovery.
I was up at a reasonable time this morning to find poor Debbie under the weather with a chest infection so that she could not go to school. I spent today working on my ‘Little Paxton after the Enclosures’ section, which I finished and so I am now able to start the more modern chapters. Thankfully, my computer get going all right today but I avoided switching it on or off to avoid any possible problems. Di finish painting the chest this morning and afternoon and then I sprayed the name Sundance on through the stencils. I got a bit depressed this evening when I calculated that I have only laid out about 1/3 of the master artwork pages. At this rate it will take me until the middle of the month of February to complete the job as well. At least I have done some of the most difficult chapters that had beaten me in previous years and I’m getting good advice on the correction of chapter copy. I broke off early tonight, feeling quite tired. I had caught the Ohgon again this morning and treated its wound will carry on with the Mercurochrome until the back wound clears up.
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A successful visit to the dentist but a little irritated by my referral to their hygienist the cleaning work will stop. The fish are improving, and I hope that the Steryzine treatment is working but they are eating sparsely, and I am still swabbing Mercurochrome daily onto the Ohgon’s back as it refuses to heal up. I bought an old military chest, some pain and some stencils, for Sundance his riding kit and tack to be stored in at Offord. Fiona reveals to me that there had a second accident in the last week involving one of their horses and cars and the first horse had to be put down, which is a worry for riding in the area. Percy, Pat and Michael came around for a working session for the forthcoming issue of Buckden County wards Focus.
I had a sluggish start to the day which was spent substantially away from my history work. We started with a dentist appointment in St Neots and was struggling to get there for 9:15am. There was a clean bill of health for both Debbie and I, but both of us are booked to see the hygienist for cleaning work. It all seems a ruse to get more money out of us to me. They employ this girl to do the work and then have to find the patience to fill her diary. We had a coffee and then some time together for a change, looking around the market and then the Shaw’s auction showroom. I wanted to buy a chest for Debbie to put Sundance’s tack in but I could not find anything there. I also went to Clover Office Supplies and got some stencils to put his name on it. Diana was going off to the doctor to get a tetanus inoculation and so I came home and netted each other fish in turn and looked their gills. They seem to be a lot better today for once and I hope that the Steryzine treatment is working. Mr Field, of Avenue fisheries, called today for an update and I briefed him as well. I am now swabbing Mercurochrome daily onto the Ohgon’s back as it refuses to heal up and all the fish are still not eating very well. This afternoon, I drove over to Huntingdon and bought an old metal military chest for £15. I then got some pain so the rust could be removed and it could be brightened up for Sundance.
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A full day working on the pre-and post-enclosure chapters of my history book whilst welcoming a visit from the triumphant Percy who is making progress in his County Council election plans. Debbie and Della’s colds were not quite bad enough to miss school and Diana returned from delivering my Focus leaflets locally whilst discovering that Mrs Eaton next door has left home as the latest local marital separation. Edwina Currie retracted her egg salmonella statement unconvincingly and barristers look like losing their monopoly of audience in the High Courts to solicitors
I was awake early this morning prior to getting up and dressed in time for breakfast at 7:30am for a change. I learnt then that the girls had already started their meal which accounted for the fact that they had always finished it when I came down! Today I had a good full day at my desk, as I completed spelling check some corrections of my Pre-Enclosure History book section and then printed out and posted on the figures as illustrations. I then organised, started and nearly finished the Post Enclosure chapter on the Enclosure Act itself and the aftermath. By the end of the day, I had scanned for pictures in for minor editing and I just need to assemble the whole and check it for spelling errors before printing it out. I broke off at 10pm to write up my journal and put the Little Paxton Scrapbook safely back into the fire proof safe. I had a few calls and interruptions today including a visit from a triumphant Percy who had been to see the Southoe housing problems and was due his Hunts Post interview.
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A slower start after a late night and then some reservations after eating a fried breakfast that I had not had enough recent exercise to justified. Distributing batches of my focus leaflets to delivery helpers today and then delivering Diddington myself before driving down to Avenue fisheries to return loan equipment and get further advice on my ailing Koi. This afternoon, a good meeting with Mr and Mrs Drake and their daughter Lisa agreeing grooming and riding schedules for Sundance. A private London hospital has been exposed paying for living kidney donors
Diana let me lay in for an hour this morning which was just as well as I had been up very late last night finishing off the second section of my chapter on Little Paxton church. After my shower and shave, I went down and had a fried breakfast and suffered a little bit of conscience, as I have not been getting enough exercise lately for that much fatty food and calories. This morning, I took round my parcels of focus leaflets to my delivery helpers, which always takes a long time as I have to chat to each of them to keep them happy and thank them. I also actually delivered to Diddington myself. Then down the A1 to Sandy and the carp man at Avenue Fisheries. I return the equipment from loan and then told him how the smaller one had not survived its first night in isolation. Also, how the rest do not seem to want to eat the pellet soaked in antibiotic and are reverting to the habit of mouthing the service and gasping a bit. I was home in time for a nice lunch of turkey and then I sat in the conservatory with the girls for a while as they played climbing all over me. At 2pm, we had a prearranged visit from Mr and Mrs Drake and their daughter Lisa. Lisa is going to help Debbie look after Sundance and is a very keen horsey type without money. The parents seem to be very responsible and so we decided that we should go ahead. I will pay the cost to keep things simple.
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