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After a lay in this morning, with Daniel cleaning the Range Rover, I was tending the conservatory plants and fish. I found the carp much improved and the nitrite levels fallen dramatically, as we fed the fish less and the chemical gravel filter started to function effectively. I was working today on my chapter on Little Paxton church and spent much of it on the diagram detailing its development and layout. The day was overshadowed by three of Daniel’s friends arriving late for Sunday lunch and being sent home without it. Riot police have broken up a protest in Prague and 100 passengers were killed when two trains crashed in Bangladesh.
I had a lay in this morning and then I got myself showered and dressed whilst Diana cooked the Sunday fried breakfast. Daniel cleaned the Range Rover, whilst I attended the conservatory plants and fish. I watered all the plants, which I hope will appreciate the nitrates from the fish as fertiliser. I then emptied another few inches of water from the pond and topped it up with fresh. The large carp is now breathing properly through both skills and started to do this as I was watching. Later, I measured the nitrite levels with the test kit and saw that it had fallen drastically. This cannot be entirely due to the water dilation and I think that the chemical filter started to work on only been overwhelmed by the fish being fed too much too soon. For the rest of the day, I worked on my chapter on the Little Paxton St James’s Church.
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Although very tired this morning, and with a headache after two very late nights, I still spent the day on my computer transforming the format of the first five chapters of my book and only paused to contact Avenue Fisheries for advice about my Koi carp health problems, when I found high levels of nitrate in the pond, and to take the family to the St Neots Beefeater for lunch, where I complained about their smoking policy. Terrible Atlantic gales have sunk a freighter
I was very tired this morning and had a headache after two very late nights. I had to take a paracetamol tablet, but it did not too much good. I spent the entire day in front of my computer, headache or not, keying in the changes to transform the rest of my first five chapters into the new, smaller page format. I finish this process by the end of the day and was very tired. During the day, I was distracted only to take the family for lunch at the St Neots Beefeater, and later to tend my fish.
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I was dead to the world this very blustery and windy morning after a very late bedtime last night and then took calls from printers who persuaded me to adopt a smaller book page size to save £1000 in cost. The rest of the day adjusting my book copy to accommodate this plan and to incorporate comments from the Norris Museum. Journalists have exploited security weaknesses at Heathrow and Gatwick, but a mining tragedy was averted by actions of the pit manager. I have chosen to retain large cash balances, earning good interest rates, even though the stock exchange is rising.
I had gone to bed very late indeed last night and was dead to the world when was time to get up this morning. I came down to breakfast in my dressing gown and then was quietly showered etc. afterwards. I settle down in my office intending to spend the day’s effort on my book. The day started with two of my three short-listed printers contacting me and I was glad that they did because they convinced me that I should alter my book’s page size to the smaller dimensions and save close to £1.000. The trouble was, I then had to spend a tiresome day adjusting margins, formats and styles to try to design a layout that looked good but still packed a lot into a reduced amount of space. By the end of the day, I had worked it out and started to reformat my first chapters again.
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Another day planned for my history work but interrupted this time by many Council work interruptions as well as by Percy and Michael progressing SLD publicity. I had the Samuel Jones MD, George Dean, on about his company’s planning application and then three local newspaper journalists interviewing me accordingly and it was very late tonight when I could finish my history work. Six men have survived a month after an American earthquake by eating canned fruit in a cellar. 24 police officers have been served summonses for perjury arising out of the Wapping Murdoch newspaper dispute and King’s Cross station will be the preferred second terminal for the Channel Tunnel trains.
I was awoken with my morning tea and had a struggle to get ready and washed in time for breakfast. I ended up eating on my own but watching all of the children go off to school. My day was scheduled to be exclusively dedicated to my history work but had many Council work interruptions. First Percy Meyer called and came around to use my photocopier to do a press release and he stayed through coffee which lost me a while. Still I was pleased to see the publicity flowing again. Michael had dropped by for his focus artwork but purses next newsletter is scheduled for early February. During the day, a call from a resident complaining about the planning application for Three Lawns, then one from the Samuel Jones managing director, George Dean, about his planning application. Then a string of journalists; Hunts Post, Express and Weekly News all calling to interview me and ask questions about it!
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