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With Debbie and Della at home ill today watching Television, and with Diana off shopping, I worked on planning and organising the Focus deliveries until lunch and then chaired an ON-SITE Training Ltd Board of Directors meeting in the afternoon. The lack of revenue and host of business problems meant that I had to guide the meeting to recognise that we would have to cease trading.
Tea and then out to a Liberal Democrat supper evening attended by the Rt. Hon Paddy Ashdown MP, leader of the parliamentary party, who I got photographed with Sue Sutton, our new local candidate.
I was a bit better this morning with my cough starting to become more productive and free. I had a lot to do and so got up early. Both Debbie and Della were playing dead today and so Di tucked them up on the settees in the Lounge and Playroom and they lay happily there and watched the television all day. I planned the Southoe leaflet round this morning and produced the same type of instructions for there so as to carefully count the leaflets that I would need. I then found out that I was short of a number of copies and will have to wait for returns before doing Diddington. Then I loaded up the car and started to call on my new deliverers as well as my more established ones. By the end of the morning, I had placed all but three of the batches and had names for the rest provided that I could find them in later. I was a bit chilled and tired from chatting to so many ladies and so collapsed in the lounge with a coffee, couple of biscuits, and Debbie for company whilst I watched the TV news.
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I was still suffering and so stayed in to work on preparing my Focus delivery rounds but Della was a little better this morning but might have to miss the school play. Mr Larkin was on his much-improved work boat. The blizzards that had stopped the motorway and railway networks in the Midlands and North gave way to sleet and snow and Lech Walensa, the former Solidarity leader, won the Polish presidential election
I was still suffering this morning but Della, whilst still ill, seems to be less distressed than yesterday. Diana went into the local school to tell Della's teacher that our little daughter is still unwell and will probably not be able to perform in the school play this week which is a pity. She also went off shopping and I was angry with her when she got back because she would not help me in with logs and I had to go out in the cold unwell myself. I eventually found out that it was the spiders that was worrying her.
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Still feeling unwell and at home planning new FOCUS distribution routes as Della’s infection grew and temperature soared until I stayed in to look after her as Di took the Brownies to the St Neots "Christingle" Service.
Politically, the opposition parties are having to work out new ways of competing with the Tories in the post-Thatcher era as the debate to replace the Poll tax also goes on
I was feeling unwell this morning and stayed in to attend to some paperwork with a log fire lit in my office for company. Earlier, I awoke to find Diana absent from bed and, thinking that she was up and making the drinks, I went down to have mine early. In fact, she had gone to sleep in another room and so I made the morning drinks and took her coffee, having tea myself. Della was up early and played with her friend Caroline (who brought her sister for good measure) but she paid the price later and was worse and had a temperature that was very high when I was looking after her this afternoon. It seemed to be reading 103 to 104 degF which is above the fever and danger point and I can only imagine that I was mistaken!
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With my cold worsening into chest congestion, I stayed at home with Della today as she was also ill and listless. The Focus newsletters had been held up Glisson but were being expedited the next day. Derek and Sandy were worried about their son Anthony, being sent to the Gulf with ware expected and Debbie returned very late from a school theatre trip to London.
The US and EEC are each blaming one another for GATT talks stalling after Thatcher departing stiffens the European approach to trade. Share applications for the Electricity privatisation were hopelessly over-subscribed
My cold was worse this morning and, although it was not streaming, it had got to my chest making breathing and exertion difficult. Della was still not very well and lay in the playroom, looking at video films all day. Diana took Debbie to the Junior Carol service at Kimbolton Church and they enjoyed this whilst I stayed in to look after Della. I used the time to start the re-organisation of the Little Paxton FOCUS rounds into smaller areas, but I did pop out for a short while to get some more diskettes and stationery from Clover Office Supplies.
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