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I was suffering with a cold this morning on a cold and windy day and poor Della was kept at home with a high temperature. I spent the entire day working at correspondence, arrangements and administration with a huge list to get through. Di's parents came to see us this afternoon as I worked on through the evening. Mr Larkins, the river contractor from Ely, chugged up and moored alongside today prior to working locally.
I was not feeling too bright this morning. Apart from a recent lack of sleep, I am also suffering with a cold. Poor Della has also had a set-back after returning to school yesterday and was kept at home with a high temperature by a worried Diana. Apart from my domestic chores, I spent the entire day working at correspondence, arrangements and administration of all sorts and I still ended up with a host of things left to do at the end of it! I drew up a long action list of outstanding matters which extended to two pages. The pity was that I also wanted to get out to clear the gutters and lawns of leaves before the forecast rains and snow arrive this coming weekend, but I was not able to.
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Another busy day as I host a meeting with the new party parliamentary candidate for our constituency and a local activist about the future of Thurleigh airport, then spent the afternoon on a host of calls and action with Southoe bus schedules a particular concern and then a much better evening Little Paxton Parish Council Meeting agreeing an ambitious budget for next year and an enjoyable seasonal gathering afterwards.
Saddam Hussein announced that all of the foreign hostages would be allowed to leave Iraq and Kuwait with immediate effect but there are many signs locally here in East Anglia of servicemen and regiments having been sent with overflying aircraft in desert colours so a war seems imminent. The weather continues cold with a very sharp frost this morning, but rain is forecast for tomorrow.
Although home, my rush had not finished as I had to get out early to take back the cement mixer and then get back in time for a meeting in my office at 10.00am. I lit the log fire which was nice on such a cold morning and first Sue Sutton arrived and then Mike Seward later. Sue is the new party parliamentary candidate for our constituency and I had arranged for her to meet Mike, an activist from Little Paxton, on the subject of Thurleigh. The government are selling off certain of their military airports for commercial freight use and this is going to add to the noise and disturbance over the St Neots area in general and Paxton in particular.
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A busy day, working on the brickwork of my garage foundations whilst receiving Jeckells to fit a new canopy for the Paxton Princess and a spray hood for "The Jolly", Daniel to do three loads of his washing and then Jack, and farmer Gedges, who agreed to help me take delivery of the long ‘crossing timber’ sleepers. I then worked until after dark and drove back home in the fog and frost.
I was up at dawn on and would like to have been out earlier but I decided to have a bath and hair wash for reasons of decency (I was due to meet quite a few people today). I got straight down to the brick-laying and had achieved quite a lot by the time of my first visit. It was Jeckells with a new canopy for the Paxton Princess and a spray hood for "The Jolly". I went aboard to see it fitted and it seemed all right, if a bit tight although the weather was quite cold. It had started quite dull with the odd shower but had cleared up with sun by the time they had arrived.
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A day working on the Heronshaw garage brickwork support piers after buying another 150 bricks and a wheelbarrow from Jewson’s and a cubic yard of sand from Wroxham Building Supplies. By the end of the day, I had completed one of the internal floor support walls, working after dark with artificial lighting.
John Major has problems with Tory activists in Cheltenham seek to disown their party's selection of the first black Tory MP using terms like "Nigger from Birmingham". The government also named the first 56 NHS hospitals to opt out of the main management system to become "self-governing trusts" which many of us see as creeping privatisation.
I was up and out a bit slower than I had intended this morning as it always seems to take a little while to get used to a new routine. A simple breakfast and then I decided to telephone a couple of suppliers to check on the arrangements. Jeckells would be coming with the new boat covers tomorrow, but the electrical contractor would try to come by later this afternoon. This enabled me to go into Wroxham to do some shopping and to get some materials. I went to Jewsons to begin with and bought another 150 bricks and a wheelbarrow. Then on to Wroxham Building Supplies for some sand which I loaded into my trailer with my own shovel. It was about a cubic yard of sand at a price of £9 which I called £10. Into Wroxham itself for some bits and pieces. I bought some super-glue to repair my trailer lights and a new light bulb for the same.
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