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With much of the family recovering from our illness, we managed to get Della off to her horse-riding "pony-morning" and then I helped Di with housework and reverted to archiving my press cuttings until Della and Dan came back in time for lunch. Debbie was improving in the evening as Di and I watched a TV film to recover.
We managed to get Della off to her horse-riding "pony-morning" even though it proved to be an overnight worry for Diana. I helped Diana to get on with the housework for a while and then returned to the old press-cuttings until Daniel and Della arrived safely back in time for lunch. This afternoon, I popped out to get an anniversary card for Di as we have been married some 22 years come tomorrow. We watched a TV film tonight and then turned in. In all, not a very productive day as we were recovering from our several afflictions, but at least I caught up with my press cuttings to a certain extent and we are both feeling a bit better. Debbie is also improving which is a relief.

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I cooked the breakfast for the family on a wet and very windy morning, with Di bringing my drink but being too tired to do more and then cleared up until Di stirred again and cleared up the lounge as the girls tidied their rooms.
Some time in my office as Daniel was working on his car with his new tool kit and we planned a scheme for Della’s horse-riding the next day. Daniel was saving up to drive to Manchester later this week to see his girlfriend's family
Di brought me my drink this morning after a long lay in and then I got showered and dressed. She was too tired to get the breakfast and so I offered to get it. I fried some bacon, mushrooms and bread and then called the family down to a nice meal which they enjoyed as a change. I then spent much of the morning clearing up the kitchen and washing up all of the things. I was also clearing out and organising the fridge so that it had some chance of accommodating all of the food for once. Diana then stirred herself and cleared up the lounge and I got the girls to tidy their rooms and do a chore or two. Daniel was out at his car, using his new tool kit.
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After the girls got us morning drinks at 8am, there then started a mammoth present opening session as a huge storm with winds and torrential rain raged outside. Power cuts elsewhere did not affect us as we had our Christmas Lunch of Roast Turkey and all the trimmings and Christmas Pudding and cream for me to follow.
A rather uninspiring Queen's Speech at 3.00pm after which I tackled the huge backlog of local newspapers for Press Cuttings for the Little Paxton scrap-book and we went to bed early again.
Debbie and Della got us morning drinks around 8.00am so that we would get up and let them start opening the Christmas Presents. Daniel also staggered down and the whole morning was spent as they opened literally dozens of presents each. We must have the most pampered and spoilt children in the world as most others just get a few things each! The girls were very pleased, but Daniel seemed a little disappointed as we had not bought him a new colour TV. Di and I opened ours and then there was the massive clearing-up exercise to follow. All of the time outside, there was a very bad storm with pouring rain, high winds etc. The power lines were down in the area, but luckily ours were intact and Diana could get on with cooking the Christmas Lunch of Roast Turkey and all the trimmings.
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Last minute Christmas shopping with Della amongst the crowds, as Daniel earned £20 for petrol by delivering my last Diddington Focus’s and then home for some novel wrapping. Relaxing watching a film or two on TV until the children were asleep after which Santa could do his work.
Di insisted on sleeping in the spare room and Mum is very low but at least is with Freda and family as we cannot go near with our infections.
I was recovering slowly this morning and decided to take Della out to do her last-minute Christmas shopping as I did mine. The weather was not too bad compared with that we had recently, but we just went to the Park Way shop at first to get the bread for Diana and a few other bits and pieces. Then Watkins next door for cards and on to St Neots which was packed with Christmas Shoppers; the car parks being crammed full of cars. We parked in an un-made side road and filed into the United News shop where we bought a couple of presents.
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