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Dealing with Diana's ear infection by making a doctor’s appointment, getting some antibiotics and frying the breakfast with the girls finishing the washing up. It became more serious but she ended up the day a little better.
My own illness was being slow to pass but later this evening I wrote up these last couple of days' journal and then had another early night
I did not sleep too badly but then Diana came in this morning and said that her ear had been most painful all night, stopping her from sleeping and that pain-killers had not been of any assistance with it. She came into bed and I went down to get the morning drinks after which we tried to telephone the doctor on the emergency number. It was nearly an hour later (after we had tried about 50 times) that we got through and Diana was given an appointment at Eaton Socon Health Centre for later in the morning.
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Di took Debbie horse-riding this morning and, though still feeling quite weak and achy, I accompanied her and the children to Bar Hill to meet Diana’s wider family where Uncle John had been suffering with dizzy spells that make him feel very sick and lose his balance. We were gone within a couple of hours after exchanging presents.
As we were due to go over to Di's parents for pre-Christmas gathering later today, I took things very steadily this morning and rested in bed for a while before getting myself up and dressed. I was still feeling quite weak and achy and this may be just from the illness itself, or also from the fact that the painkillers had been wearing off and that I was reluctant to take any more. I was down to have lunch with Debbie and Daniel whilst Di was out taking Della to her horse-riding lesson. She had also gone up to the cemetery taking pictures of Dad's new memorial stone and to put a wreath and flowers upon it. I then got myself ready and we all set off for Bar Hill on their return. I had telephoned ahead and asked that the room be free from smoke due to Debbie's asthma and they all kindly obliged.
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Another night of improvement after settling down and managing to stop coughing. Di brought my morning tea and breakfast in bed and I managed to get shaved, showered and dressed at last. I sat in the lounge with Debbie calming her cough, and playing a few games of chess before helping to sort Christmas Cards with Diana and making several telephone calls about local Sunday trading rules being flouted by Tory District colleagues.
The weather a little milder today and we were all feeling a little better for it and I hope to see my Dad’s new memorial in the morning
A better night still, but was still awake several times before managing to stop coughing and settling down. Di brought me my morning tea and then breakfast in bed and, whilst she went shopping, I managed to get shaved, showered and dressed and was ready awaiting her return. I helped her unload a little and then sat in the lounge with Debbie to try to calm her cough, ending up playing a few games of chess with her. I was up for lunch and tea and, in between these meals, helped sort our Christmas Cards with Diana to see which senders we had forgotten so as the remedy the situation today.
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Very achy and shivery today suffering from influenza after a rather better night but still having trouble sitting up and drinking. Reading stories about my campaigns in the local papers and listening to soothing music before dozing off in the evening feeling all weak again.
Soviet Foreign Minister, Edvard Shevardnadze, resigns after giving no prior warning to Gorbechev
I had a rather better night than yesterday and awoke just before Diana arrived with my morning tea. I still had trouble sitting up and drinking it, feeling very achy and shivery at the same time. I managed to eat a breakfast of cereal and fruit juice in bed, however, and once the tablets had worked their magic again, went further and shaved and showered before returning to bed in my pyjamas. I brought the new stereo up to my bedroom and also the paper and managed to enjoy both of them by reading and listening to soothing compact discs. Diana does not like me to be ill and is always upset with me; wanting to collapse in bed herself, particularly when. like now, she is also quite ill. I listened to "Famous British Film Themes" and then the Beatles.
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