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Up and out to the Priory Re-cycling for publicity with Sue Sutton and then relaxing with some televised Rugby this afternoon before more administration. Certain of my FOCUS deliveries have already taken place and I am awaiting the others.
I had to get to the Priory Park Re-cycling Campaign early this morning and so was fairly soon out of bed after getting called. Showered, shaved and dressed and then I drove round the block in the Range Rover to load up steel scaffold poles that had been littering my riverside plot. Breakfast, changed to become presentable, and then off to the re-cycling collection with my load to discharge it into the metal skip. There was Sue Sutton there and all the local Liberal Democrat activists organising the event. It was very well supported with streams of cars coming and going to deposit their newspapers, cans/metal and cardboard and we obtained some very good photographs for our own use and also the photographer from the Citizen was there to get some pictures of Sue.
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Di was off to Bedford shopping for Christmas presents on a bright and frosty morning as I looked after Debbie, met river engineer Mr Larkin and spoke to Ian James about the On-Site control of personnel and decision-making.
Then to plan Sue Sutton’s parliamentary election campaign as I received the staggering estimate for £250,000 for the new Heronshaw replacement. Daniel was very pleased to be home from University after his term finished
A brighter, clearer day which started with a sharp frost. Di went into Bedford with Della to help her get her Christmas presents and I stayed at home to look after Debbie. I was about early to stock up with logs and light a fire and also went over to where Mr Larkin was working and chatted to him for a while. I asked him to do a few things for me whilst he was in the area and also warned him about the planned navigation stoppage for three months at Brampton for the lock repairs and improvements.
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With Della and Debbie still suffering, I was at home with them printing out and then writing Christmas Cards all day until late evening. The financial news is stark with unemployment rising by 60k to 1.75m with Sterling at the bottom of its ERM range as John Major is off to his first EEC summit to argue in vein for his hard ECU idea. Preparations for conflict in the Gulf are proceeding with planes bringing home Westerners and over half of the US armoured divisions from Europe on the way there.
A calmer and better day today weather-wise but I was not to see a great deal of it. Della was still at home recovering from her illness and Debbie had managed to go to her party yesterday and stay overnight but she, too, was unwell and had to be brought home. I therefore stayed in whilst Di went out to do her shopping. It was my chance to print out the remaining Christmas Cards and then spend the rest of the entire day writing them ready for delivery by hand and by post which was an enormous undertaking. I finished in late evening with a tummy-ache for having been sitting still for so long and I was glad afterwards to lay out in the lounge and relax. Since the children have been home, the family do not have to get up so early for breakfast and this lets me stay up later.
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It was a cold and drafty day for us recovering from coughs and colds, but I started to design Christmas cards and then got to Huntingdon for an evening meeting to consider the Local Plan which also ended with a motion to congratulate John Major on becoming Prime Minister with some wine and mince pies afterwards. Various factions of the Tories, in particular, are falling out with each other and plotting with me now I have stronger support and influence.
Nationally, there are investigations into certain high-level police officers for indiscipline over campaigning for more opportunities for female offices and concerning Assistant Commissioner Wyne Jones, head of personnel in the Metropolitan Police, for involvement with Asil Nidir of Poly Peck. This controversial officer was responsible for the harsh policing of Wapping in 1987 and of Greenham Common in 1983
Still a cold and drafty sort of a day which was no help to the chest infections and colds that we have been suffering from. I spent the day inside looking after Della as Di ran around and did other things. Later, I started to design the Christmas Card message for this year and I had some of the first design printed later so that Diana could start making them out for our friends and relatives. I had an evening meeting of the District Council and got to Huntingdon in good time. It was a special meeting convened to consider the Local Plan, but also had a motion tacked on the end to congratulate John Major on becoming Prime Minister and then some wine and mince pies after all this. The surprise was a majority in council for adopting two amendments to the plan for deleting the Southern Link road for Ramsey (which I had nearly got the Policy Committee to accept) and also for making another road adjustment in Earith. The motion gave me a chance to make what I thought was a very good speech.
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