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Struggling on with my foot wound, Di and Della helped me bathe and then propped me up so that I could work and helped me water the plants and feed my fish and I managed to chair a Liberal Democrat activists meeting this evening. Strangely mild temperatures up to 15degC and strong winds during another storm with West Coast fishing vessels harbour-bound since Christmas.
A tanker chartered by British Petroleum has shed 320,000 gallons of oil off of a sensitive part of the Californian coastline as mutually arms and troop reductions agreed in Vienna make the Warsaw Pact becomes less of a threat to the West
A reasonable night's sleep with my foot wound. It was strangely mild last night, with temperatures up to 15degC and strong winds during another storm. We have had almost continual storms since Christmas and the West-Country fishermen are facing hardship through not being able to go out; and the price of fish is increasing as a result. Despite the harsh forecasts of the weather-men, there was little damage last night. They cannot win. If they cry wolf, they are criticised and if they do not cry loud enough, they face equal criticism! I was bathed by Diana and Della again and then we went to the conservatory to water the plants and feed the fish. I was then propped up at my desk and managed to start some work in this sitting position. I used the computer again to draw the equipment installations on the Princess and the positions of the hatches that open for maintenance.
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I needed a follow up examination at Hinchingbrooke Hospital to get my foot examined and they were worried that my scalding wound was virtually the full layer of my skin but we decided against surgery as some nerve feeling was present. Home to spend the rest of the day at my computer, drawing a deck layout of our new boat which we have now decided to call "Paxton Princess". More stormy weather today and storms in the Kremlin as well as Gorbachev takes three days of extended meetings to get his reforms through and Freda calls and considers moving up this way.
I slept quite reasonably despite my injury and the howling storm outside the house. Just woke up once or twice and took some painkillers. Di and Della helped me into the bath this morning and then to get dressed. Della has some bladder infection and so stayed home today to keep me company. We fed the fish and then left for Hinchingbrooke Hospital to get my foot examined by prior arrangement. We arrived at about 10.00am but it was 11.30am before I was seen and then 12.30pm before they were done with me. The young doctor was unsure about my scald and had to get advice which took the time. It seems that the wound is almost the thickness of the skin which would have needed the surgeons, but they prodded the wound with pins and found a sensation over much of the area. There was some doubt about the very middle.
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A better night and day with my scalded foot as I recover but spend the day rather ineffectively working on documentation for my new boat as I received visits from the press and a colleague in my office. News of progress in talks to release Nelson Mandela with a possible end to the State of Emergency but two British journalists were expelled from South Africa because of their reporting of the rebel cricket tour and HM The Queen was booed during a demonstration by Maori in New Zealand, militants over their claim for land rights. In East Anglia, American Air Force planes were grounded completely after two planes crash within 48 hours
By far my best night with Diana managing to spend it with me in our double bed which showed that I was again sleeping all right. I then spent the day at home to save my foot, but the injury is still very painful if I try to stand. I had a bath to make things easier (as a shower is denied to me) and then dressed and sat in my office with my leg up. Diana helped me to get my papers around me and I sorted a few out but was not very effective. Then I had two visitors and spent the rest of the morning on the telephone. Celia Chignall came by to borrow my Plan documents and to discuss yesterday's meeting. Percy was here to do some photocopying as usual.
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The pain from my scalding was still troublesome but I managed to get through my planning meeting in Huntingdon today, speaking to the plans for Southoe and then trying unsuccessfully to oppose the major development in Little Paxton, but the Priory Hill and Mill Lane sites are without threat and so the merging with St Neots has been averted.
An evening resting my foot and hoped as the flooding subsides and I make progress on my journal. Gorbachev has made speeches to the effect of removing article 6 in the constitution that gives Communism supremacy whilst back home, the news spotlight is on the quality of schools, as the inspectorate identifies 40% of schools as being poor and revealed the unsatisfactory nature of hospital staffing by junior doctors working hours
I still needed pain-killers to get me through the night, but I was glad that my fever did not turn out to be the 'Flu. I now wonder if it was a shock from my scalding. I got Diana to farm out Della for Pat Law to take to school for a change, so that she was available to help me to get out for the planning meeting. She had to help me wash my hair and then get all of my papers together. I eventually left on time and managed to park by the council chamber which was good because I could not have walked very far. The meeting was long and lasted all day. My foot was a problem, but I managed.
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