Starting the day very tired but then finding time to help with the Stapleford by-election before exhorting my newly-elected councillors to cooperate and plan local political strategy. Then a good Little Paxton Parish Council meeting in the evening as Diana helped by packing ready for our trip to Norfolk the next day.
I went to bed rather too late last night and was very tired and groggy when I woke up this morning. It did not help being woken up earlier by the loud cries of the peacock and the sound of the rain falling outside. I managed to eat some breakfast; and then had to telephone one of the organisers of the Stapleford election and make one or two other calls. I then spent time updating my journal before correcting the press release and getting this and the notice cancelling my strategy meeting out. I called the Stapleford Committee Room and checked on what I could do to help and then decided to work on home for a while.
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I typed up a memo to my District Council colleagues, expressing my concern over the lack of planning we were putting into our District business and suggesting that we meet before the AGM next Wednesday to discuss things. I also wrote and distributed another memo to all of the members of my strategy committee, cancelling the next meeting and explaining that we had decided to combine these meetings with those of the constituency executive from now on. Lunch and then I borrowed Diana's car and drove over to Stapleford and helped with the election. I spent a couple of hours of the afternoon knocking up and giving lifts to the polling station which was something of a token effort but at least I showed willing. Home in time for tea and then over to the village hall this evening for a Parish Council meeting. It started early at 7.00am and the first item on the agenda was the subject of the earth bund or screen by the gravel pit road. I had managed to telephone a few of the affected residents and popped in to see another and so there were at least five local residents attending the meeting to impress the other councillors and the officer. The meeting went well and matters were ordered for further action. Home a little late and straight to bed without much further ado. Diana had done a good job of packing my things for the morning and so I was to make my final preparations tomorrow.