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Some time paying our dues and chatting to the Norwich harbourmaster and then the walk to Jarrold’s for coffee and a look around their book store, before a fine salad sandwich lunch at Oliver’s. A taxi to the Norwich Sports Centre for recreation and then the steady cruise to Brundall as the rain returned.
Neil Kinnock has resigned as leader of the Labour Party and IRA bomb explosions, that rocked the Baltic Exchange in The City of London on the day after election day, killed three including a 15-year-old girl called Danielle Carter which news unsettled our Della.
A good and quiet night and then a couple of chores before we went shopping. I walked up to visit the harbourmaster and pay my dues whilst Di went along to the grocer's shop. He did not bring his cart along the moorings this morning as we used to get but I suppose that the season is yet young. I chatted quite a while with the harbourmaster, putting the world to rights. The number of boats visiting here is well down on previous years with the recession the reason. Then we walked up to the city and had morning coffee at Jarrolds before spending a happy hour looking around that department store. I chose the book department and got no further than the books on building, but I did first get some foam inserts for my shoes.
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A late morning in Great Yarmouth with some shopping before breakfast and lunch and then the cruise across Breydon Water and up the Yare to Norwich. Greeted by our harbourmaster friend and then to the cinema in Anglia Square and back to sleep soundly on the Paxton Princess
We had the morning in Great Yarmouth and were up and ready to go into town quite early. A "helpful" harbour worker dropped by to tell us of a Haven Bridge lift at 9.00am but this was too early for us. We watched the two boats go up but then left our own for the shops. Coffee and then the shops separately, linking up for lunch together. I bought some nice prawns for tea. The weather cold, windy and wet but, once we had got back aboard, we found a dry spell to get under-way under the Haven Bridge and back into the Broads.
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After a night at St Bennett’s Abbey, downstream under the Haven bridge to moor at Town Hall Quay, Yarmouth for lunch at McDonalds, and trips to Joyland, Pleasure Beach and back in a Landau before staying overnight.
Neil Kinnock and Roy Hattersley, stepping down after the weekend with John Smith and Brian Gould the likely successors after their defeat in the General Election.
The heating had to herald our day as we all became used to the comfort of the boat and were reluctant to leave our bunks. After breakfast on a fine morning, we set off downstream for Great Yarmouth. There was more of a breeze for the sailing yachtsmen and this was to be the forerunner of showers to come later. We cruised pleasantly down the lower Bure and then, radioing the Yarmouth Harbourmaster, obtained permission to go under the Bure and Haven Bridges and to moor up at Town Quay. I used the technique of a suspended horizontal ladder outside fenders to hold us off the vertical dock members.
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Up early this morning on a day that started very cold but became very warm and then under way on the Bure, putting the mud-weight down at Wroxham Broad and taking The Jolly in under the bridge to moor up in the town centre for coffee and shopping.
Off in The Jolly to the Horning Leisure Centre for a swim. Then, with the inflatable on the davits and then set off downstream getting as far as St Bennetts Abbey before dusk. News today is of John Major re-organising his cabinet and giving the boot to Kenneth Baker and Tom King
To our bunks early last night but Della was complaining about spiders and was not willing to settle down easily. Up early this morning on a day that started very cold but became very warm. Breakfast moored at Heronshaw and then we set off upstream to start with, putting the mud-weight down at Wroxham Broad and taking The Jolly in under the bridge to moor up in the town centre. Coffee in Roys and then Diana and Debbie went shopping for food and clothes whilst Della and I combined a look around the shops that I was interested in with a chance for Della to start taking photographs for her latest Brownie badge.
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