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The day working on The Paxton Princess, finishing the refrigerator installation and then changing both fuel and oil filters for each engine which is always a messy and difficult job. Then visiting Mum in Stanton on the way home and back out for the HDC Planning Meeting in which the members expressed genuine regret at my imminent retirement.
I tried to make an early start this morning and was up early enough. I drove off to Jewson’s first thing and bought another two of the expanding foam canisters and some other tools so as to be able to finish insulating the fridge. I was back in time to call General Refrigeration and establish that they could not come and connect my fridge today which was a pity. I spent the morning servicing the Paxton Princess; managing to change both fuel and oil filters for each engine which is always a messy and difficult job. Up to my ears in black oils, using many rags and tissues to try to curtail the mess.
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The day working at Heronshaw, using expanding foam to surround the fridge liner and re-installing the fridge compressor and controls into the right position to await the refrigeration engineer. Then tearing off the lining under the Heronshaw boat house and so, tired and dirty, the evening resting after tea, reading today's newspapers and absorbing the election coverage. The Labour lead is held up just a couple of points ahead of the Tories and the weather still disappointing, though milder it was also wet and breezy.
A bit slower off the mark this morning. To Wroxham for the newspapers and another carton of milk but, most shops being closed, I drove back to Horning and got them there. The day working on the Paxton Princess, using the available expanding foam to surround the fridge liner and re-installing the fridge compressor and controls into the right position to await the refrigeration engineer. This was a slow but steady process, but I was ready later. Broke off for lunch of cheese sandwiches and then went into the Heronshaw boat-shed underneath and tore off most of the cork insulation that was concealing the structure underneath.
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Completing some paperwork and then watching some televised Sport after lunch with the family before my refrigerator insert arrived and I could set off to Norfolk with it. Unloading the Range Rover before dark and completing a few chores before enjoying dinner at the Wroxham Bridge Restaurant before back to Heronshaw to sleep.
I was waiting for the new stainless steel fridge insert to be ready before rushing off to Norfolk and I used the time to do some paperwork and then keep track of some sport for the day. It was the day of the Oxford vs Cambridge University Boat Race and the Grand National and so I was not too worried about having my trip to Norfolk delayed. Lunch at home with the family and then, just as I had finished my paperwork and was settling down to watch TV sport with a clear conscience, the bell went, and the fridge insert was ready! Quickly gathered my things together and set off to arrive at Heronshaw with a couple of hours daylight to spare. I used this to unload and get things aboard the boat and up into Heronshaw and then did a few chores before driving into Wroxham to have dinner at the Bridge Restaurant.
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I joined the girls and Diana for a Bedford family today, first looking after Della in the shops and library and relaxed a little to read the newspapers whilst she read a book. Lunch in the MacDonalds at midday and then to take took the girls to the Bedford Oasis Swimming Pool. Debbie had her friend Jo along and I swam with Della in the waves and flume slides. I returned calls to Percy and John Brown and helped with the election paperwork but did not join in a mass canvas in Buckden this evening.
I was awake quite early this morning and took the opportunity of getting into the bathroom before Diana for a change. Breakfast with Diana and the girls but Daniel was still in bed as usual. Di had planned a trip to Bedford for the day and I decided to join them. Once there, I first looked after Della in the shops and library and relaxed a little to read the newspapers whilst she read a book. Then we rendezvoused with the others for lunch in the MacDonalds at midday. Di had spent a fortune on her hair, and I am sorry because it does not look so nice when short and curly.
She went shopping again this afternoon and I took the girls to the Bedford Oasis Swimming Pool. Debbie had her friend Jo along and I swam with Della in the waves and flume slides. Debbie had a scare when she lost one of her earrings and the attendants had to stop the current whilst we searched for it and found it in the end! Once home, I updated my journal and put the month of March to bed. I returned calls to Percy and John Brown and helped with the election paperwork but did not join in a mass canvas in Buckden this evening.