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Some time working on the swimming pool first thing, dosing it for the third time with "super-shock" levels of chlorine before supervising John Brown’s election campaign to succeed me culminating in a meeting at Sally’s house where I had to calm passions and conciliate as our campaign was being spread thinly over many wards. I also found time to clear my desk of paperwork, prepare for my nest Norfolk visit and clear my desk of paperwork.
Slept in a little and then got showered and washed my hair in time to have breakfast of croissants with the girls. Several telephone calls, organising this evening's meeting at Sally's and getting people to make good preparation for it. Then out to the swimming pool and to dose it for the third time with "super-shock" levels of chlorine. It has cleared tremendously, the evolution being from green through brown to a sort of milky white and I think that it will soon come round to clear blue by tomorrow when I can start the process of heating it up. Though mild with sunny spells today, there was a strong south-westerly wind that made life outside unpleasant.
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A full day preparing for the forthcoming elections, after failing to hear from Steve Bloom and getting the girls off to school. I was updating the electoral rolls on to the computer, keying in the data to find candidate John had covered over 14% of the ward, gaining support.
I was also tackling the swimming pool. I removed the winter cover to find the pool full of filthy green algae Home latish and then quite tired to bed, my cold reaching its lowest point and becoming more manageable.
It was the preparations for the forthcoming local elections that occupied most of my time today, there being no word from Steven Bloom so that I could start my work on the Heronshaw Boat-shed. First this morning, we saw Debbie off to school and got Della to do her homework so that she would not spend the rest of the weekend worrying about it. We had something of a plague of ants which was causing disruption and absolutely terrorising Della, her being worried about spiders and other insects. Diana went to St Neots to do some shopping and then delivered the latest John Brown election address in her patch.
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After catching up with a shower and hair wash, being too late for breakfast with the girls, I worked in my office with year-end figures and Local Election work, managing to get five canvassers out in the afternoon. The weather today was better still and quite sunny and mild with it.
Up to wash my hair and shower this morning and late to breakfast, the girls having eaten and just leaving for school. My journal first thing and then organising telephone calls for the day ahead. Diana went to her slimming group in St Neots this morning and also did some transactions for me at the same time. I was tied up with the end of year figures and then, towards lunch-time, I started preparing for the Little Paxton election canvassing this afternoon. We had five canvassers out and did quite well but the locals were holding back a bit with John Brown and we could be vulnerable to a Tory campaign emphasising the fact that their candidate actually lives in the village. I started preparing the computer database ready for the canvas returns and was half way through it before tiredness made me give up this evening. All that computer work is bad for my eyes. The weather today was better still and quite sunny and mild with it.

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A long day in the office nursing a cold on day with rain later working on the task of updating my portable computer for the EARS (Election Agents Recording System) electoral database for Little Paxton and then briefing my replacement candidate John Brown in setting his priorities and getting him to review his delivery network before settling down to my year-end financial investment figures.
Poor Debbie was extremely upset with the fact that somebody at school had tampered with her CDT artwork and I collected Della from the bus as Diana had to go to the dentist with her. I managed to avoid a Radio 4 Today Programme interview offered for next Tuesday when I will be in Norfolk. This would have increased still further my profile which would have prevented me winding down as I planned.
It was a long day in my office, the work not being made any easier by my nose running from a head cold. This, and my thoughts on the election here, had kept me awake last night. The weather had taken a turn for the worse again, becoming unsettled with rain later. I continued with the task of updating my portable computer for the EARS (Election Agents Recording System) electoral database for Little Paxton and this took all morning. John Brown came by (now shaved and tidily presented after cajoling from Percy and I) and I guided him in setting his priorities and got him to review his delivery network. Then to get back to the year-end financial investment figures which took all the rest of the day to enter and type out.
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