Opting to take the trip with Diana to Bedford for coffee at Perrings and lunch at Tesco’s whilst still progressing my investment plans and administration on the way and during our time there. Also making sure that the architects had precise instructions and briefing my financial and legal trustees so as to get advice on contesting the planning terms that the Broads Authority were proposing for the Heronshaw redevelopment.
The news was full of the United Nations Security Council Meeting chaired by John Major (it's his turn) and comprising all the heads of government of the permanent members trying to set the new course for this institution now that the cold war has come to an end. The kidnapper of a young female estate agent got away with £175K after the police failed to track him.
I had much more administration to do but decided to go with Diana to Bedford for a shopping trip this morning so as to be social in line with my new priorities! She was going direct from taking the girls to school and so I had to rush and get a lot of things ready for the post before we went. Della cried when we left her in the classroom because they had changed her classroom around and she was not sure where to sit. Of course, Diana blamed me for disturbing the set routine and so it was all my fault! Then I let Diana take the wheel and drive on to Bedford whilst I opened the mail and got my letters ready for posting.
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Our first chore, after parking at the multi-storey car park, was the post office where we posted the letters and paid some more money into the children's trust accounts. Then coffee at the traditional furniture store, Perrings, after which I let Diana do some shopping whilst I toured the building societies comparing the account types and interest rates for our investment plans. We met up later and then drove out to Tesco's to have lunch there before coming home via Eaton Socon to buy some of Mr Anderson's prime beef. This started an exercise of delivering the remainder of my correspondence by hand. Back to work, writing long letters and instructions concerning the development of Heronshaw. I was making sure that the architects had precise instructions and briefing my financial and legal trustees so as to get advice on contesting the planning terms that the Broads Authority were proposing.
Worked on until it was time to bed, being pestered by the girls for help with their homework along the way until I finished up by updating these last two days journal and then the summary for the month. The news is full of the United Nations Security Council Meeting chaired by John Major (it's his turn) and comprising all the heads of government of the permanent members. They are trying to set the new course for this institution now that the cold war has come to an end. The Germans and Japanese (and Indians and Brazilians) are querying the legitimacy of France and the United Kingdom keeping their permanent places on the security council in this new scheme of things. The kidnapper of a young female estate agent got away with £175K after the police failed to track him before the ransom was collected by fishing line from an overhead bridge and they blame the fog and bad weather but have been made to look silly.